advice for newbie


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Hello, new to the board, the "G" (little over a year) and financial planning.Been browsing the site and had a few questions. I currently have my fund allocations at (10%G) (40% C) (25% S) (25% I); my contribution distribution is set at the same, currently contributing 8%.If you do interfund transfers on a daily or weekly basis, does the contribution distribution really matter?Does my TSPset up makegood financial sense?Iwould only look to do one interfund transfer a week. Adviceand comments appreciated. Thanx in advance. Great Website!
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inyadreems wrote:
If you do interfund transfers on a daily or weekly basis, does the contribution distribution really matter?
Welcome inya!
No, the contribution alloaction does not matter to me. I rarely touch the contributions.

Your allocation looks fine for a long term outlook. Take a look at I have suggested similar allocations.

Thanks for joining us!
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Welcome, inya!

Good allocation. Conservative. How long until you want to retire/withdraw from your TSP? If it is a long time away, get more aggressive. i.e. 86 the G, pump up the S, and give up some C.
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I would deep six the G myself if you are in forthe long run. I currently have C 40%, S 30%. and I 30% I am 25 years old and I am in for the long run myself. I have been in TSP since July of 04...:^Anyone have any suggestions on my contributions???
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mattdog240 wrote:
I would deep six the G myself if you are in forthe long run. I currently have C 40%, S 30%. and I 30% I am 25 years old and I am in for the long run myself. I have been in TSP since July of 04...:^Anyone have any suggestions on my contributions???
I'd say if you were not planning on doing anything in your account for many years, you are OK. If you want to mix it up a bit by making allocation transfers here and there,you are on the overly aggressive side for 2005. It may be a bumpy year.
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I'm not ready to hit G yet....I am waiting for a sign (rally confirmation or a tanking decline).

Or for my Magic 8-Ball to tell me to move.