350zCommtech's Account Talk

I agree no cut today. Tuesday will defiantly be a cut but how big. Sounds like BSC was on the ropes after Friday and the Fed told them to get'r done before Asian markets open on Sunday night. JPM was the only bidder that stayed in there and low balled the hell out of them and got a $30B backfill from the Fed.

CNBC is make a good point now about how do you believe Lehman and the other about their liquidity. First time they made sense.

Make no mistake this was a bailout of all primary lenders. One point I heard was Mutual Fund lend money overnight to investment banks like BSC. If BSC went BK the ripple effect would be huge. The margin calls to make up the lost capital would be huge. Global house of cards.

One more thing, the Fed could give less than a rats ass about inflation right now. We are in panic mode to save the banks. This is going to make it take longer to recover and the banks will not jump into lending with both feet. IMO, this will be a very prolonged recovery.

I'm on the fence about the jump into equities this morning. From a chart view 1200 is on the horizon and with the volatility we could rally the end of the day and sell off tomorrow when the Fed announces its statement.
I guess what I'm saying is it is easier to make money going short than long in this market.

Wait for a pump monkey relief rally, buy into it and sit back and wait for the inevitable sell off.
If JPM is getting BSC for $2 a share AFTER the FED bailed out BSC on Friday, wth do they need $30B from taxpayers for? Are the shareholders going to get $30 a share??? NO WAY.

LOL, they were in a unique position to squeeze the Fed./tax payer because they were the only party that could or would buy BSC. Play ball my way or I let BSC fail. Who's you daddy Ben?
BSC sold at $2 a share? The smell is all wrong with this. There ought to be a good book to read on this in a year or two. Today will be a massacre with chain reaction
The I fund is totally out of the question. The dollar is set to rally big time. Late last week, we heard a lot of comments from various people including the President. The one thing they kept saying was, "I'm supportive of a strong dollar". Some folks are speculating that a concerted effort by the various CBs to strengthen the dollar is about to happen. They can try to rally the dollar by buying it or cutting interest rates.

The dollar is up and it's holding the market up.
Did we miss the bottom by waiting until today? :rolleyes:

Maybe - at current levels, I don't see buying in today. I was hoping for a major selloff before jumping in.

While the Dow rallied 200+ points, bond yields barely moved. Currency movements were also looking strange. Market manipulation with folks taking profit from this morning's drop?

As I was about to type "markets should sell off again soon", the Dow dropped to -66 points.:D
Be careful about making those "I changed my mind" transfers.:)

I did see some strange movements today and transactions. It appears there is alot of movement around in the market as if the big boys are looking at what will stand and leave any risk behind. No one will invest in a company where there is a hint of a problem after BSC.
Z - Looking 50 C & 50 S Thoughts !!!!!!!!!!! I already made the move but may cancel. Please let me know. THX:)

Thinking now tomorrow could be like today except open up 200 then people take profits all day up and down. Hit or miss and that may be the new trend since no one wants to be left holding the bag as BSC caused.