I really wanted to get into the S Fund Monday but I am glad I didn't. I at least don't have to worry about losing thousands /quote]
Nor will you have the pleasure of making thousands either..But after today (
C -.30 and S -.36) C and S would be great buys right now for any rally next Monday
LMAO - BET FAST WON'T LAST !!! The C Fund & the S Fund are not a great buy for me because I made my bet there is no rally Monday. I am betting the Market will drop and I won't take pleasure in seeing good hard working people lose in a bogus Market with lies and deception. Here is how I see this unfolding in a few parts I am no expert in this Horrible Market since 2007 but I have been in the TSP since 1989 I don't brag about how much money I have made usually the people that do have the least but I often use the word smart play or good call. I watch many posts and have found that Z is what I consider a solid player and I lean on him alot because I don't have his skills in this kind of Market. I have made so many "good plays" and got burned by rumors etc but I am down $300 for the year. Because I refuse to go all in unless I consider it a smart play. After looking at my information I ask Z what he thinks sometimes we differ but Friday I was thinking of moving to the S Fund from the G Fund but when Z gave me his imput and watching all the BSC information unfold that was it. Like in cards some of your best moves are the ones you don't make and there is no doubt in my mind I just made the best move because you can't lose what you don't put in the middle and you wait for that better hand.
The Foreign Markets will set the stage Sunday Night setting up
Part 1.
No one really cares what the Fed does now because they know it has to be a 1 point cut or things will really get worse on Tuesday so there will be no speculation either the Fed Cuts .75 and we drop on Tuesday as well or they cut 1 point yet it's no cure for the corruption in this Market.
Part 2
The Market will surely open down but the only shock would be the Fed makes the 1 Point Cut on Monday - sleeper pick here who knows what they will do now.:notrust:
The BSC is only the beginning if they are in trouble imagine all the others who are that we just don't know about surely this has to be on everyones mind so there is fear & no trust
Part 3
The Market opens down but where do you go. Bonds, Gold etc. but remember that Fed cut is Tuesday so the Bonds are a bad call for Tuesday with a 1 point cut. Many cash out and take the loss - Market Drops
Part 4
The C Fund and the S Fund will still be around on Tuesday/Wednesday etc. and my bet is they may have good value then until the next roach walks in a rumor Bank of America having problems and we still have Opec and all the other reports so my bet is safe watch it unfold and don't let the Market control you play smart and maybe The S Fund is $16 or Maybe the C Fund is $13 maybe not but I will regroup and it would be my pleasure to sit at the table with better cards and the buy in for the price of pocker just got lower but I'm in control now at a good price. Sometimes it's best to fold your hand and walk away and on Monday I don't have to run anywhere.
Part 5
I hope you have your rally Monday it just wasn't in the cards for me - Best of Luck - Braveheart