350zCommtech's Account Talk

you are really tough woman,I fell off the chair while reading your line,where did you get the idea of cat/woman and dog/man?.it is soooo funny.glad to have you in our side:-)

Zimmy, sorry I can't take credit for that line, but more true words have never been spoken, have they?

I mean, my husband told me not to redecorate the living room, yet it absolutely glistens in all of it's new glory......he told me not to get a Golden Retriever, and yet all 75 pounds of Bubba awaits me every evening......he told me not to dare get another dog, and yet Lil Man is livening up the house as we speak.

I have to confess, I have no cats. But they are very nice.

I take it you are a cat person?

Zimmy, sorry I can't take credit for that line, but more true words have never been spoken, have they?

I mean, my husband told me not to redecorate the living room, yet it absolutely glistens in all of it's new glory......he told me not to get a Golden Retriever, and yet all 75 pounds of Bubba awaits me every evening......he told me not to dare get another dog, and yet Lil Man is livening up the house as we speak.

I have to confess, I have no cats. But they are very nice.

I take it you are a cat person?


LOL:laugh: What a Gal!
If I had to pick the fund that I had the worst luck with ....it would be the F fund. So bad that I rather go to the lili pad.
The F fund gamble is paying off so far today, but the 50dma has become support for the TNX. Although, I think it will test it again tomorrow if the housing news is worst than expected. The obvious risk here is to the upside, which is bad for the F fund. I will exit the F fund today.

F fund is up 3 cents so far today.

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This morning was a perfect example of how news will always trump technicals.
What's really funny is how yields were actually way down before the housing news was out. Can you say insider trading?

F fund up 5 cents.

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TNX just hit the 20dma so I went to G fund for the penny. Too much risk in the F fund. Although, if TNX can break through the 20dma, the F fund is where I want to be, but if it bounces off 20dma instead, it will hurt.

Yeah, these toys are cool but damn expensive...

I really, really what an Iphone...but it's another $100+$60/month service.:nuts:

Yeah, I got mine from "Santa".:D

It's rather handy, but takes a few seconds (about 10-15) for TSP Talk pages to load- so I don't use it much for this.

They are great for the headlines and checking tickers.:cool:
I over slept and now I'm stuck in the F fund. Maybe it was a good thing. TNX broke through support today.

The markets are oversold and due for a bounce any day now. Bernake talks tomorrow.

F fund up 2 cents at the moment.

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