350zCommtech's Account Talk

Bernanke Urges Rules Overhaul to Stem Risk Build-Ups (Update3)

By Craig Torres and Scott Lanman

March 10 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke urged a sweeping overhaul of U.S. financial regulations in an effort to smooth out the boom-and-bust cycles in financial markets.
“We should review regulatory policies and accounting rules to ensure that they do not induce excessive” swings in the financial system and economy, the central bank chief said today in remarks prepared for an address to the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington.
Bernanke recommended that lawmakers and supervisors rethink everything from the amounts firms set aside against potential trading losses and deposit-insurance fees to protections for money-market funds. His remarks reflect a judgment that the U.S., just like emerging-market nations in the past, failed to properly manage a flood of capital over the past decade and a half.
Bernanke also reiterated his call for an agency to take on overarching responsibility for financial stability. While he didn’t specify which regulator should take that job, he noted that the Fed was first formed to address banking panics and said the initiative would “require” some role for the central bank.
Congress and the Obama administration are embarking on the broadest revamp of the oversight of U.S. finance since the Great Depression. Bernanke’s speech marks the Fed’s contribution to the policy debate.
Ensuring Capital
The Fed chief also reiterated that the central bank, U.S. Treasury and other regulators “will take any necessary and appropriate steps” to ensure banks have capital to “function well in even a severe economic downturn.”
“Governments around the world must continue to take forceful and, when appropriate, coordinated actions to restore financial market functioning and the flow of credit,” Bernanke said today. “Until we stabilize the financial system, a sustainable economic recovery will remain out of reach.”
Referring to the stress test regulators will use to determine whether banks need more capital, Bernanke said an adverse scenario “involves unemployment averaging over 10 percent for a period, which we view as certainly well within the realm of possibility.” That outcome isn’t the “central tendency” of most forecasts, he said in response to an audience question.
Among the biggest challenges faced by regulators is addressing the issue of banks that are so big and interconnected with other firms that their failure would put the entire banking system at risk.
Bernanke said firms that are too big to fail are “an enormous problem.” Large firms will require “especially close” oversight in the future, he said. Regulators need the authority to seize such firms, such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. already has for deposit-taking institutions, he said.
Money Funds
Among other changes, Bernanke urged steps to protect against an outflow of money from money-market mutual funds, and said one market where banks and securities firms finance themselves -- known as the triparty repo market -- may need to move to a central clearing system.
“Given how important robust payment and settlement systems are to financial stability, a good case can be made for granting the Federal Reserve explicit oversight authority for systemically important payment and settlement systems,” Bernanke said.
The Fed chairman also called for a review of accounting and capital guidelines that may cause banks to pull back in downturns.
“We should review capital regulations to ensure that they are appropriately forward-looking, and that capital is allowed to serve its intended role as a buffer -- one built up during good times and drawn down during bad times,” the chairman said.
Accounting Changes

“Further review of accounting standards governing valuation and loss provisioning would be useful, and might result in modifications to the accounting rules that reduce their pro- cyclical effects,” Bernanke said.
Asked about rules that require companies to value some investments at their current market values, Bernanke said “I strongly endorse the basic proposition of mark-to-market, which is that we should make our financial institutions’ balance sheets as transparent, as clear as possible.” He added that he “would not support any suspension of mark-to-market.”
Still, in periods of financial stress, when some markets don’t exist or are highly illiquid, “the numbers that come out can be misleading or not very informative,” Bernanke said. Regulators could provide “guidance” on reasonable ways to value assets, he said
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OK Z... I'm in! 100 (C).:D

I also picked up more EFA and sold my positions in EFU- as you said I would end up doing.:cool:
I'm with you on that. I think we can get 10% out of this. Maybe a 2 day wonder. :)

We have been oversold for nearly three weeks. This is the first big move to get us out of it. Could you believe that some bears were shorting this morning's pop? Denial can go the other way too. Wait for these bears to cover.:)
We have been oversold for nearly three weeks. This is the first big move to get us out of it. Could you believe that some bears were shorting this morning's pop? Denial can go the other way too. Wait for these bears to cover.:)

Very True... Look's like a solid up day. Could see a 500 point run today.:D
Keep the faith man.

We are majorly over due for a rally - and not a ONE DAY BOUNCE

Overwhelming odds are - it will drop considerably tomorrow and spring back even higher over the next few weeks.

I'm out - cause I saw a chance to get the 'crown'

By the time I have the slightest chance to take FIRST you'll have at least a 5 to 7% lead.

This is just un**#*(# Believeable - F Fund is going way up - and volume in S is Pushing it Higher and Higher
We could easily see a 759.67 tomorrow taking us above the 50 day moving average. The VIX will be heading for 36.50 in short order moving back below 20.
I'm not pulling out prematurely like some of you pansies.:D

Most of my friends call me 'Mr Whipple'

from please don't squeeze the Charmin (may have been before your day)

I'm with you on that. I think we can get 10% out of this. Maybe a 2 day wonder. :)

I hope you both the VERY BEST - anyone going 100% S Fund sets themselves apart. While I and the others stroll down the path smelling the flowers - you will be riding the Mighty Train to Wealth.