2023 Final AutoTracker Winners!


Staff member
The Final 2023 AutoTracker numbers have been posted...

And the top 5 "Full Year*" Annual Returns Contest winners are:

(* only accounts that were active the entire year and made no illegal IFTs qualified, and have also signed into the AutoTracker and / or the Forum within the last 60 days.)


Congratulations on a great year!

Private Messages (PM) have been sent to the winners. Please respond with your choice and your shipping information (even if you've sent it before). Contact me via Private Message (PM) or email (support ... AT ... tsptalk ... DOT ... com) to let me know your prize choice.

If you choose an Amazon eGift Card, it will be sent electronically to your email account so please provide me with your email address.

1st place: thetsai has the choice of $100 Amazon eGift Card OR any two items on the prize page

2nd and 3rd place: ICEHOLES and Pickles can choose a $50 Amazon eGift Card OR any item on the prize page.

4th - 6th place: radarvector, BHRUNIKH, and talking2jets get $25 Amazon eGift Cards

Let me know the prize(s) you choose, and if If you don't choose the Amazon Card, I will need your shipping information.

Amazon eGift Cards are always available. Limited supplies on some physical prizes so it will be first come, first serve.

It was another great year. Thanks for participating! Happy New Year and good luck in 2024!!

For the full list of standings, please go to: TSP Talk AutoTracker
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Heaven forbid, "disqualified from prizes", OMG! :embarrest:
I can just hear it now Tom.
Certain members crying 'rigged' when they know the rules and attempt to cheat nonetheless!
Kudos to you for calling their behavior out and shame on them for doing so.
Sadly, it sounds all too familiar these days I'm afraid!
No, no cheating. They were actually minor infractions but nonetheless, we can't bump others off the top list if someone made an extra IFT somewhere - probably an oversight or a catch up IFT that they missed inputting the prior month. I actually sent yanni123 a prize because they were not happy, and I get it. It was an incredible year with one extra IFT back in April that barely impacted the return. And if BHRUNIKH contacts me I'll probably do the same because again, it wasn't blatant misuse of the limits.

I have had people enter repeated excess IFTs in the past and I had to just remove them, but it's rare. It obviously wasn't their TSP account they were tracking.

Heaven forbid, "disqualified from prizes", OMG! :embarrest:
I can just hear it now Tom.
Certain members crying 'rigged' when they know the rules and attempt to cheat nonetheless!
Kudos to you for calling their behavior out and shame on them for doing so.
Sadly, it sounds all too familiar these days I'm afraid!
And if BHRUNIKH contacts me I'll probably do the same because again, it wasn't blatant misuse of the limits.

I was contacted by BHRUNIKH and, after taking another look, I realized that the only extra IFT was done on Friday (Dec 29) of all days, after no issues all year. It was invalid as far as the TSP goes, but it had no impact on the annual return since it was effective COB on the last day of the year.

So, I will also send BHRUNIKH the winning e-gift card.

Sorry for the confusion. I updated the winning standings.
Ahhhhh!! I got honorable mention! Damn sight better return than the previous year and I'll happily accept it. The winners posted some fantastic returns. Appreciate this place and all you ladies and gentlemen do here. Hoping for a better year all around for us all.