"Just another socialist smart-a$$, know it all (you can insert the hyphens here feeeeeel0 who likes to show people up with such small things.
The public option is nothing more than a foothold to the liberals' ultimate goal of government provided and run healthcare. ~ Viva La Migra "
U.S. 307,942,725 population
Population already on medicare 43,026,300 to 48,000,000
About 100 million people — 1 in 3 — now have government coverage through Medicaid, Medicare, the military and federal employee health plans. What is all the health fuss about, we already have a socialized health care system. This bill will now provide coverage for college students, children the indignant and the working poor.
If it’s the money that “you” who oppose a federal health care bill is worried about, then may I suggest?
Legalize marijuana, we spend A few hundred billion easy trying to stop people from smoking pot ,Please get real! This isn’t the 50S, that alone will pay for the health care bill plus you will then have money left over to secure our boarders. Once you clear out the prison population of the pot smokers and sellers you can put the CHILD Molesters in. You might also consider getting the (F) Out of Afghanistan and Iraq, there we can save a few more Billion as we won’t have to pay out for PTSD treatment and prosthetic devices to mend our wounded soldiers. With the money we save there, we can fix our failing education system. We can then tackle NASA and put that money to better use by becoming less dependant on foreign oil by developing solar, that alone will put carpenters plumbers and electricians back to work and put a dent in the billions we are now sending to Saudi Arabia. Pot doesn’t kill people drug lords and gangs do. Another option is to ban the sale of alcohol; we can pay for universal health care just by banning the sale of alcohol as America spends more money on treating alcohol related diseases the universal health care would cost.
A consensus has emerged to provide medical care for the poor, especially children. President Bush when in office even proposed spending $1 billion over two years to encourage eligible families to sign up for Medicaid.
Time and energy would be better spent by putting white collar criminals in jail instead of opposing universal health care. Aetna and BCBS executives love your efforts,.
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