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The market is in a trading range. A primary movement (bullish or bearish) has not been established. A trading range means ups and downs between support and resistance. The higher high was 1225.31 on March 7th for the S&P. The double bottom was 1137.50 on April 20th.
Fundamentals (the economy) look good, not great, good. Last reported of 437 companies: 67% were:}, 14% were even, and 17% were:{. However, we have the Horsemen to contend with (energy, inflation, rates, and earnings).
Technically, see: Gallery view and Sharp chart for $SPX (S&P 500). Indicator appear to be positive, and yes up and downs can be expected. The daily charts can be somewhat hypnotic, and only show trends. The weekly chart sort of gives a bigger picture.
Will the market reach 1225? It could if in my opinion they keep
energy in check. Less then 50$ a barrel, we are ok. 50-55, there is worry. Over 55, the market gets skiddish.
When to go to the G-fund? IMHO when the fundamentals and technicals turn sour.
However this may be a series of degrees.
The way I look at it is: the temperature of the market vs the amount of individual risk;has to be established by the individual investor. When do I go to the G-fund? Probally, a lot sooner thenothers since my retirement is not that far off.