12%ayear's Account Talk

not taking that bet. Looks like a 50% retracement of yesterday. Close around 1300 on S&P

Man you are in the MEGA CENTER OF RESEARCH - I mean that has to be the very best area imaginable and I'm sure housing and education is bound to be way up there. Only draw back is the deer population. Anyway congrats - on making it TO THE TOP.
The next step in this bad economy will be hard layoffs. Watch the next few weeks and you will see many annoucements. This economy is in deep crap. The Fed is running out of silver bullets and even if rates drop to zero. Many cannot borrow because there home value dropped and banks are tough now on lending capital out. We need to have the recession now and get it over with, Like a flu,you need to feel sick and sweat it out. before the healing comes. When the market crashed March 2000, inflation was not a problem and the US Dollar was strong. We have no silver lining here...Inflation,real estate is very sluggish,and the US Dollar is trading like a Peso.
Screw this crap. I am going to stay in the G Fund until this plays out. It seems the DJIA wants the 9000-10000 range and I do not feel like chasing this nightmare. This type of market can easily fall another 20%-25%. There is 3.28% in the G Fund left for the year. I plan on taking it and enjoy my time off like 350z. I will swing trade once and awhile.
Screw this crap. I am going to stay in the G Fund until this plays out. It seems the DJIA wants the 9000-10000 range and I do not feel like chasing this nightmare. This type of market can easily fall another 20%-25%. There is 3.28% in the G Fund left for the year. I plan on taking it and enjoy my time off like 350z. I will swing trade once and awhile.

I'm starting to feel the same way 12%. I just got my butt kicked by the I fund today, after I told myself to never go there again. :nuts: I just seem to be out of synch and am tired of chasing this beast myself. At 3.28%, I'll be within 8K of where I want to be at the end of 2009. No need to get beat up, until this all shakes out especially when I'm just a hair over 7 years away from retirement. I gotta be patient. I'll concentrate on my Roth this year, plus going to look real hard at VISA, Dad wants some of that action and I get to play financial advisor. Maybe he's the one that's nut's. :laugh:

look at this chart.. it is very possible to drop under 10000
...All that did was set a precedent, now the rest of them are going to line up with their hands out. Oh well, at least it will keep the printing press in the basement going 24/7 ...somebody still has a job.....

Yeah, but what about our kids, and their kids? This tax burden is truly out of control....
I would say up wards of 90% of illegal immigrants are religious and married - that means their children are legitimate as opposed to being illigitimate. You already know the end results of all this unearned welfare - more correctional officers.
Dennis, this makes me feel much better. :) LOL.
I would say up wards of 90% of illegal immigrants are religious and married - that means their children are legitimate as opposed to being illigitimate. You already know the end results of all this unearned welfare - more correctional officers.
I want some VISA too. Going through whom?

I can't play with the big boys and get the opening price. I had to wait until it became available to us peons, but I've got a limit order in this morning for about 125 shares at $56.55 thru Sharebuilder, which Sharebuilder told me yesterday, that I shouldn't have any trouble getting some. I'll have to wait and see if that statements true. I'm becoming quite the cynic. :)I'm holding about 1/3 of my funds back for any pullbacks.

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noticed that opening was $59.50 and it was down to $56.50 by the end yesterday. Still a good long term bid though. When people lose their jobs, they play credit-card roulette to keep food on the table.

Yeah, more and more folks are going to go to credit-card roulette. I don't think we'll see VISA go up as fast and as high as MC, but I do look for a nice 20 or 30% gain in a year, if nothing really bad happens. The all bets are off.

Yeah, more and more folks are going to go to credit-card roulette. I don't think we'll see VISA go up as fast and as high as MC, but I do look for a nice 20 or 30% gain in a year, if nothing really bad happens. The all bets are off.

Be very careful with VISA. Many people are not paying there bills. Also, all credit companies are not mailing out like they were before. Many are paying there mortgages with cash advance.
Be very careful with VISA. Many people are not paying there bills. Also, all credit companies are not mailing out like they were before. Many are paying there mortgages with cash advance.

And, many States are trying to enact "no junk mail" list and that will kill credit cards. Also will kill USPS and drive the price of a stamp to $10.00 a lick. Don't complain to much about your junk mail as it keeps your other USPS services much lower. <off soap box>
Thanks Guys for the warnings and advice on VISA, that gives me more confidence in the top price to look at and then buy incrementally as it falls.
