12%ayear's Account Talk

I went 100% F Fund for Friday. Several reasons, Mar 23 .... 10:00 AM....Existing Home Sales...If home sales are really off, this might spook the market. Why? it is confirming a inventory problem(slowing economy). Worries about the subprime mortgage market can resurface again on that news. I think bonds are safer now, with the Fed acting more dovish. However;how many times can I go to the well? I want to protect my profits and wait on the sidelines. No rush to chase at this pivotal stage. Markets can easily tank on all these worries. :)

Looks like we're getting screwed. Read my post in the Economy thread.
80% G Fund 5%L2010 5%L2020 5% L2030 5%L Income cob 3-23

Please specify this IFT move by stating the fund allocations among G/F/C/S/I. We do not track the Lifecycle funds at TSPTalk. It’s up to the member to breakdown the allocations and report to us in terms of percentage in G, F, C, S, and I funds to one-hundredths of percent. If I do not hear from you, I will not enter any change in the Weekly Tracker, and you will remain at 100% F.

You need to go to TSP.gov and look up the current fund allocations, as of Jan 2007, for each L fund. Then calculate the percentage for each basic fund by multiplying by 0.05. Add up percentage allocated to each fund, to one-hundredths percent. The total should add to 100%.

Please specify this IFT move by stating the fund allocations among G/F/C/S/I. We do not track the Lifecycle funds at TSPTalk.
Just to add, the reason we do not track L-funds, other than it is too cumbersome to do so, is that the L-funds were created as a buy and hold tool for participants so we don't want to encourage trading them actively.

Just to add, the reason we do not track L-funds, other than it is too cumbersome to do so, is that the L-funds were created as a buy and hold tool for participants so we don't want to encourage trading them actively.

No problem ,did not mean to cause a ruckus.
the median price of a home fell year-over-year for the seventh straight month and inventories rose. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/070323/wall_street.html?.v=47 That is the key sentence I think is troubling. Not trying to sound negative, but I take that to mean consumers are tighting spending and homes are overpriced. Add the sub-prime loans in the mix and warnings from builders and we have problems.Next week will see the market digest this week's rally. Also, I think most of the window dressing took place this week which brought the SP into postive territory. i am going to try to be careful and just wait.
Look at the IFT move FogSailing made today. He is following your moves, but he broke down the percentages among G/F/C/S/I, with rounding to whole percentage. Make an addition post to your account thread with the allocation percentages assigned to G/F/C/S/I, quoting your earlier entry.


Please specify this IFT move by stating the fund allocations among G/F/C/S/I. We do not track the Lifecycle funds at TSPTalk. It’s up to the member to breakdown the allocations and report to us in terms of percentage in G, F, C, S, and I funds to one-hundredths of percent. If I do not hear from you, I will not enter any change in the Weekly Tracker, and you will remain at 100% F.

You need to go to TSP.gov and look up the current fund allocations, as of Jan 2007, for each L fund. Then calculate the percentage for each basic fund by multiplying by 0.05. Add up percentage allocated to each fund, to one-hundredths percent. The total should add to 100%.
Like I mentioned last week, you can pull my posts, real estate sales are down. Today, the markets felt that news in the early AM and recovered at the close. Tomorrow, I feel the small-caps should be the leader, that is why I went to the S Fund. The dollar is oversold next to the Euro( short-term). Tomorrow is a big day, we have Consumer Confidence at 10am. EST. I feel the DJIA will bounce over the 12500 on a rally Tuesday and sell-off later part of week. The markets should pop Tuesday IMO and then longs will feel safer and chase rally, which hedge funds in turn will trap new longs and drop the USMs. Time will tell Gl
Good call 12%. I had no gut feeling as to whether the housing report was going to be a bad report or a good report (which is why I was out of the market today).

I'm 70% in S tomorrow expecting an up day. I think Bernanke will give a cryptic testimony to Congress at 9:30 a.m. that will contain some language to reassure the public that a recession isn't coming and a suggestion that the Fed isn't completely opposed to the possibility of considering rate cuts (basically a cryptic statement with no real intent to lower interest rates). I think that should give us your pop tomorrow.

I am interested to hear you think that this week is leading up to a sell-off. Considering I am already wary of this week based on history and you seem to have a good sense of the market (Thank you again for sharing your thoughts and moves with us!), I think I will follow you as you head off to the sidelines.
Hello 12%:

I also expected a bad report on housing today, just not quite as bad as it came out. Good news was the bulls overcame the news better than I expected. I'm still being cautious, but decided threw a small part of my portfolio (my nibble funds) into S tomorrow. You and Ebb were on the same page...sounds like a winner to me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and the information (websites) that help influence your decisions.

It seems I recalled the date of the Congressional appearance wrong. It will be Wednesday rather than tomorrow.

Oh well, today did not go as planned. However;those who went in the S Fund tomorrow should pan out. The S Fund looks oversold now.
12%ayear;85805 said:
the median price of a home fell year-over-year for the seventh straight month and inventories rose. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/070323/wall_street.html?.v=47 That is the key sentence I think is troubling. Not trying to sound negative, but I take that to mean consumers are tighting spending and homes are overpriced. Add the sub-prime loans in the mix and warnings from builders and we have problems.Next week will see the market digest this week's rally. Also, I think most of the window dressing took place this week which brought the SP into postive territory. i am going to try to be careful and just wait.
posted above last week,lol, this was todays news http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/070327/wall_street.html?.v=24
Looking for a bounce tomorrow. Also, I would not bet against the FED making a surprise cut one day soon. This happened before and spark off the markets. , I was not able to post my correction in the room and stayed in the S Fund for tomorrow. I posted early am and was at work, so I could not make the correction. After that sell-off , It made me rethink and stay in The S fund. I am off Wednesday/Thursday, so I will be able to post more often. Just out....U.S. crude oil futures spike $5.18 to $68.09 a barrel after-hours on rumors of increased hostilities between Iran and Britain CNN
False Alarm

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- U.S. crude futures spiked over $5 a barrel in electronic trading late Tuesday on rumors that Iran fired on U.S. Navy warships.
Crude gave up most of those gains according to one trader after reports of a confrontation were denied.
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British PM Tony Blair demands Iran release UK sailors. CNN's Robin Oakley reports (March 26)Play video

U.S. light crude for May delivery jumped $5.18, or about 8 percent, to $68.91 a barrel in electronic trading before settling back down to $64.40, $1.47 above Tuesday's closing price on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
"We have no information at this time that an incident has taken place in the Gulf," Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said about reports of a confrontation between Iran and U.S. Navy warships.
"This just illustrates how this market is on tender hooks regarding the situation in the Gulf," said Andy Lebow, a broker at Man Financial in New York.
I hope your last two posts come to the rescue and that we may be able to see and end-of-month, end-of-quarter rally!!!