
New member
Has anyone received their 1099 yet for 2009? I know they say they'll send them out by 1-31...just wondering if anyone had theirs sooner..Thanks!
1099-s are available if you log in and look on the bottom and click on the IRS Form 1099-R (link).
At least that's what is says....I don't have one so it says:

You currently do not have any 1099-R's available for viewing on-line.
Has anyone received their 1099 yet for 2009? I know they say they'll send them out by 1-31...just wondering if anyone had theirs sooner..Thanks!
-they just now got the Quarterlies sent out :) -
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I took a loan in Feb 09 and never received any 1099. I called TSP today and they told me it's not a taxable distribution and I don't have to report it to the IRS. Is this true?
You can't be taxed on your own money when taken as a loan as long as you make an effort to repay yourself. But don't worry BHO will likely sniff this out for taxes.
You can't be taxed on your own money when taken as a loan as long as you make an effort to repay yourself. But don't worry BHO will likely sniff this out for taxes.
Don't worry about BHO, Birch, the sniffing can only be done by the Legislature. Right now they are busy doing the pose dance at one another and voting according to groupthink, and leaving their brains at home. The problem will come if one groupthink side decides everyone vote for this tax. :toung: We pay them too much for them to leave their brains at home, but they are doing it anyway.