1 More IFT


Staff member
Should we start a campaign in 2013 asking for 1 more IFT per month?

That would allow us to buy and sell twice (with the free G fund move) each month. One buy / 1 sell each month is so unforgiving, but if we get 2 chances to buy I think it will make a big difference in our account management, without adding too many overall IFT's to the TSP system.

It would probably add several hundred to a couple of thousand IFT's to the entire TSP processing each month. Considering there are millions of TSP participants, it would be a drop in the bucket, but it would be significant for to the individual accounts who are paying attention. I know it would take me less than an hour to program something like this change to the AutoTracker so it's just a matter of getting them to agree.

Who's in?
Count me in. As it is, unless it would benefit to move between non-G funds, your second move is wasted since it is back to the G anyway.
I'm all in for another monthly IFT. My question is: Why are TSP participants restricted to 2 IFT/month? Is it because processing an IFT is labor intensive or is a an issue with fund stability (too much money moving between funds creates instability)?
And the lag time was a minimum of 15 days!

I remember that I bailed to the G fund at the end of August 2001 (made the move prior to Aug 16) because of the old rule of thumb about avoiding Sept. Then 9/11 happened. If you wanted to be back in the market Oct 1 you had to make your move by Sept 15, and the markets were still closed if I remember correctly. And yes, if you wanted to go high tech you used a phone or fax, which was a big improvement over submitting paper forms just a few years prior.
And the lag time was a minimum of 15 days!

I remember that I bailed to the G fund at the end of August 2001 (made the move prior to Aug 16) because of the old rule of thumb about avoiding Sept. Then 9/11 happened. If you wanted to be back in the market Oct 1 you had to make your move by Sept 15, and the markets were still closed if I remember correctly. And yes, if you wanted to go high tech you used a phone or fax, which was a big improvement over submitting paper forms just a few years prior.
Yep I lost 12 Grand at that time because of those rules and my stupidity!
I'm in, and if they buy into 1 more per year, it would make a great retirement gift!

Oh my...that is one awesome avatar MrBowl!!!!!!!
I'm all in for another monthly IFT. My question is: Why are TSP participants restricted to 2 IFT/month? Is it because processing an IFT is labor intensive or is a an issue with fund stability (too much money moving between funds creates instability)?
The Ebbchart system used to trade a couple of times a week and after some impressive success he had a huge following. It caught the attention of the TSP folks who claimed the nearly daily trades were increasing costs, but we knew otherwise (for reasons I won't go into here).

You can read a lot about what was going on back then (late 2007 / early 2008) and it was quite controversial. They did not like us very much....

I'm all in for another monthly IFT. My question is: Why are TSP participants restricted to 2 IFT/month? Is it because processing an IFT is labor intensive or is a an issue with fund stability (too much money moving between funds creates instability)?
The Ebbchart system used to trade a couple of times a week and after some impressive success he had a huge following. It caught the attention of the TSP folks who claimed the nearly daily trades were increasing costs, but we knew otherwise (for reasons I won't go into here).

You can read a lot about what was going on back then (late 2007 / early 2008) and it was quite controversial. They did not like us very much....

TSP Transfer Limits
The Ebbchart system used to trade a couple of times a week and after some impressive success he had a huge following. It caught the attention of the TSP folks who claimed the nearly daily trades were increasing costs, but we knew otherwise (for reasons I won't go into here).

You can read a lot about what was going on back then (late 2007 / early 2008) and it was quite controversial. They did not like us very much....

TSP Transfer Limits

Wow, has it been that long already? RAZZOFRACKIN JERKS AT FRTIB!:mad:
The Ebbchart system used to trade a couple of times a week and after some impressive success he had a huge following. It caught the attention of the TSP folks who claimed the nearly daily trades were increasing costs, but we knew otherwise (for reasons I won't go into here).

You can read a lot about what was going on back then (late 2007 / early 2008) and it was quite controversial. They did not like us very much....

TSP Transfer Limits

Ahhh, the good ol' days of rampant day trading. :nuts:
Count me in. One more trade a month could make a huge difference in being a positive or negative month.
Count me in. The way I see it we really only have 1 IFT a month because the 2nd one is wasted fleeing to safety. With two buy-ins a month I don't have to choose to ride out a coming down-turn because I want to be in later in the month.

Tom, if you need more ammuntion in this argument, you can point to people like me who are allowed to make 24 IFTs a year under the current rules but actually make far fewer because of the constraint of a single buy-in or wanting to enter a month invested.
Any more IFT's i'm all game for. I really wish for full control and no deadline w/ transaction fees, but eh, i'll take what I can get. having that extra IFT would be really nice, I wouldn't have been stuck in G fund late last november if i had another IFT