Recent content by TheMailman

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    SS privatization graph

    imported post Every time I here about SS , MY lips hurt Real Bad, I need some Chapstick
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    imported post FERS is a retirement plan that provides benefits from three different sources: a Basic Benefit Plan, Social Security, and the Thrift Savings Plan. Two of the three parts of FERS (Social Security and the Thrift Savings Plan) are portable should you leave the Federal Government...
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    imported post YEs we are in Fers, I will go to 6% this open season in Aprill to increase my contributions, any idea on my pay allocatio which is 100% in S fund every 2 weeks? Should I consider moving it to g fund? Ideas anyone....?
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    imported post currently have 3 % of my pay going to TSP + 1% automatic, thats 4%, if social security goes private , would I be better of increasing my tsp to 8 % ? And will I have to volunteer to get in the social program when It comes out, I feel safer in my tsp beucase I will have the option...
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    imported post any advice on moving the funds after we had a decent day today for long term ? or continue moving them? 40c 30s 30I
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    tsp symblos

    imported post Can you guys be more specific on the Funds symblos that are used to track the funds thanks . Tha mailman
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    Help the nervous new guy

    imported post I was the same way, I was Navy active duty and now USPS , I have learn alot from this site , I had all muy funds in G Fund but then S now I split the money around and today , I made about 200 bucks ontop of what I had save , Risk is always there but also the rewards. ABH2 Now The...
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    imported post This is what I have in 3 years of Tsp thru the post Office, I need your math to help me figure out how much will I have in 37 years leaving everything in S funds plus your opinion and examples if I move funds in other funds besides SFUnds Thanks The MailMan G FUND...
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    imported post Is it very agressive to leave 100 % in S funds? I have had it for about 2 years in S fund . And would you people recomend it for long term? I plan on Retiring in 36 more years <---Short Time
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    tsp calc

    imported post When I put in the info on the TSP CALCULATOR for my retirement , What rate Do I put when t says Enter (as a whole percent) the annual rate of return you expect your investment to earn IS That the rate ffor the end of the year like 18.03% in S fund ? Thanjks (Future rates may not...
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    S Help

    imported post Since The post office pays in more then me, Im not afrraid of a loss , and understand the risk .But also before I changed the alloction to the S fund, The Po had it set to 100 % into the G fund, I have about $4800 in that fund with no alocations In that Fund and just sits there ...
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    S Help

    imported post I have had the TSP for about4 Years, Never realy paid attention to it till now, I have 100 % Aloc in The S Fund and G Fund 0% HAve close to 12 k , Noticed that The S fund started about 12 and now runs about 14.00 and Change. I have 36 years to retire, the USPS Matches for every...