Recent content by lucky

  1. L

    Going back to G fund for 3/31

    imported post Thanks for the info. I forgot when speaking about the C and S I don't track the "correct" funds for those. Your G fund info was a nice learning experience although I usually hold my breath and risk more perhaps than you.
  2. L


    imported post It seems very hard to guess what the next week will bring. There has been alot of news that the Nikkei has been way up in the first qtr. Have not been able to drag myself out of the C and S this week though. If the I liiks good Thursday I may move back and see what happens. There...
  3. L

    Going back to G fund for 3/31

    imported post Do you track the G fund daily? If so where is it posted and why do you favor it. Do you find it really makes you money or do you just park there untill you think you can jump back in to the C, S or I. I saw a post about timing the G and I didn't really understand what they were...
  4. L

    Well I'm Back!

    imported post Thanks, I think I've got it...time will tell?
  5. L

    Well I'm Back!

    imported post I did not have my total written down as of COB Friday but as of Thursday nite. I only came up $36.00 as of Monday and unsure it that the I fund. I moved to I on Thursday nite. I was effective today, Monday but I'm still not sure if my gain was due to the I eff. Monday or my prior...
  6. L

    New to site - lucky

    imported post I have prefaced everything I have said that I may not be right. That's why I posted my thinking to get thoughts. And I have gotton them and value the input. I WANT to learn more just as everyone else. How ever if I don't explain what I have been doing then what's the use? My posts...
  7. L

    New to site - lucky

    imported post SSA
  8. L

    Closing info on 3/26/04

    imported post I have been explaining what has worked for me. I moved to I on Thursday night when I saw Japan way up. It was way up again on Friday. Nothing happens over the weekend as the market is closed...duh. I thought this board was for opinions! I've been very happy with my TSP. Take my...
  9. L

    Closing info on 3/26/04

    imported post THE TSP TICKER March 25, 2004 close C Fund: 1,109.19 17.86 I Fund: 1,307.52 12.56 S Fund: 6.00 0.11 11,770.65 +239 Nikkei close on 3/26/04 As before these are the 3 things I...
  10. L

    New to site - lucky

    imported post Thanks do much for your response. You are right my allocation change will be effective Monday but I still think that's when I will get the benefit of the I fund which closes in the early A.M. US time on Friday. I will let you know. As far as tracking I said I have used...
  11. L

    New to site - lucky

    imported post Great site it's about time someone did this! 3/25/04 - Call myself lucky....I've been that! Going 100% I from 50/50 C & S tonight. I go strictly by Japan since it's got the greatest weight, it's up for Friday will reap that on Monday. I use DJAI = C and Nasdaq =S. I have not...