Well I'm Back!


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I did not have my total written down as of COB Friday but as of Thursday nite. I only came up $36.00 as of Monday and unsure it that the I fund. I moved to I on Thursday nite. I was effective today, Monday but I'm still not sure if my gain was due to the I eff. Monday or my prior allocation last week. Thoughts?

On a hunch early AM Monday I went to 50/50 C and S. Although I may be a day behind. Maybe I can tell more tomorrow!

The question is: Are your gains or losses posted each day from the day before or 2 days back?
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The question is: Are your gains or losses posted each day from the day before or 2 days back?

The day before. So if you were in the C fund 100% today (Monday), your account would show the gains Tuesday morning. And when I say "in the C fund", Imean you made the transfer at least the day before by noon ET, in this case Friday at noon.
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i was in the c and s funds friday , didnt get a chance to move out friday, was worried that today would be bad, got a nice surprise, i moved 70 percent into i fund for tuesday, hope we hit it big, did the f fung make money today