Recent content by gunsmokex

  1. G

    Bull Pen - Fall 2006

    So Ford does their report on Thurs, that could be bad.
  2. G

    Griffin Account Talk

    Just moved into the F fund today I think it has a lot of potential this week.
  3. G

    F Fund

    And if the Fed does the opposite I'll be ok, I'm doing the opposite of what everyone thinks. I'm betting I'll come out ahead by the end of the week if I stay in F. The fed speaks on Tues and Weds and I think everyone is selling the rumour.
  4. G

    F Fund

    If the market does drop I think the F will gain based on the pattern from July of last year when the F was below the sma 20, 50 and 100. Its practically identical to the charts we have now. All thats missing is the next big drop in the market. I'm a pure novice at this though, I'm just shooting...
  5. G

    F Fund

    Just moved to 100% F, this could the time.
  6. G

    My new deer rifle

    I bought it online actually from somewhere in Penn., not my bear.
  7. G

    Market Talk / April 1st - 7th

    I tried to warn you guys about the F fund.
  8. G

    My new deer rifle

    Its a 1956 Winchester Model 88 in a .308, can't wait to get it on the range. Stole it @ $550 which includes the 4X-12X40MM scope. Most similar guns are priced around $800. I figure its not a bad tsp account in itself. Can never go wrong buying a gun. :) Love the Model 88's though wish they'd...
  9. G

    Market Talk / April 1st - 7th

    Damn F fund I just wanted my penny back :mad:
  10. G

    gunsmokex's account talk

    Well I'm now 50I and 50C I like that mixture. The S fund I like to stay out of right now. Anyways FYI since I've been tracked on Tsptalk I'm @ -0.26 but for the year I'm @ 5.63 as of right now. Props to everyone though this site rules. Also Tspgo isn't a bad site either. I read the thing on the...
  11. G

    gunsmokex's account talk

    20F 30C 50S IFT before noon 8/21/06 Hopefully little dip today and then a nice rebound.
  12. G

    Market Talk / July 30 - Aug 5

    Actually here you go. 100% BSE free, my family is in this program. As far as I know its the only state program like it in the nation. That whole tracking program is already in use in South Dakota, its not that difficult. The requirements are pretty...
  13. G

    Market Talk / July 30 - Aug 5

    Lol, yeah I bought beef from my Dad for around 2.00/lb. The grocer marks up beef quite a bit, $10.50/lb, lol. Not the mention it tastes a hell of a lot better:nuts: If you want good beef nnut just go to your local farmer, make sure its corn-fed beef though and not organic grass fed beef, no idea...
  14. G

    Market Talk / July 30 - Aug 5

    Re: Ethanol Hmm, as far as making ethanol out of stalks on a widespread basis no they can't at the ethanol production plants right now. Scientists and universities are working on it right now. At South Dakota State University they are working to make ethanol out out of cellulose crop residue...
  15. G

    Market Talk / July 30 - Aug 5

    Lol, beef prices may go down but they'll be up again this fall with a vengance. I doubt they'll even go down, grocers and the packers will just pocket the profits for the short term. This years corn crop is obviously going to be dismal, some fields don't even have kernels on the ears of corn :(...