zbwmy Account Talk


Staff member
imported post

We'll use this topic to talk about zbwmystransactions and account strategy.

Anyone else whostarts an account topic, please also create an "name Account Talk" topic like this one so we can talk about it without cluttering up your account thread.

imported post

It would also be nice to see there transactions by using the $100000 start and doing the math and letting us know how they are doing. If you have a system and you think it works other people like seeing the results of that system. If you are making money others will follow your lead if you can prove it to them.

Firzz B.
imported post

Yes. zbwmy, if you can update your post with the share price (Friday's close unfortunately for you) and a $100,000 account balance. Some thing like this...

Effective date 3/5/04

80% C,starting share price = 12.01

20% S,starting share price = 13.44

Starting balance = $100,000

Current balance = $100,000

Then if you make a change, figure out the share appreciation / depreciation and the new balance. If you need help let me know.
