You Know You're a Geek When...

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You can't bring yourself to listen to the State of the Union address because you're too busy watching howcurrencies are reacting to it on some FOREX website.


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I am with ya buddy...all my foreign currency holdings shoot to the moon...keep raising those rates!!!!

If the yield curve goes out lights out.......Not sure what is going on when the overnight rate is 2.50, 30 year is 4.68 and the 10 year is 4.14....seems rather stupid to hold until 30s for a .5 yield gain and 20 years of risk unless if you dump them you will get crushed on currency conversion....the bubble is going to burst and the 30 yrs will get dumped for ones and twos and when that happens watchwhere the dollar does....I am just licking my chops and waiting....the toilet water is spinning...round and round...

index futures are looking a little soft...

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pogo wrote:
so are you saying I fund pleas just i short and simple answer

I'm not sure if you're asking MarketTimer or me...

If you're asking me: no, I'm not recommending the I Fund right now. I watch currency rates for other (non-TSP) reasons. I don'tuse currency ratesto analyze theTSP funds.

