Yodaddy's Account Talk


New member
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I just pulled out of the I and S funds and went 100 % G....I was 90% I and 10% S and did well there last fews days, butI'm expecting a stall or dive there in reaction to several pending announcements/reports.

I'll stick my head up earyThursday AM and see what looks good thru the weekend....But I'm thinking it will berocky thru the end of the month with no real gains to be made.
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What announcements or reports are you anticipating and what do you think that they will say?
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Thanks for the big welcome!

I was 100 % G most of last week, but I jumped back in I fund 100%just in time for yesterdays increase....Plan tostay there thru end of month unless world news items indicate caution. My leap to I was triggered by Bush's visit to Europe. I knew he would give thier markets confidence......(probably by giving away more of our money)

As I'm all in I fund for the moment, I would appreciate any comments from the crew here-any predictions or observations would be welcome.

I was surprized at the way Japan and South Korea helped the $$ yesterday....I wonder what that cost us in political concessions....And I wonder how long they will continue to help shore up our currency against our debt.
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Please don't forget to create a "yodaddy account" to post your moves. Thanks...
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Yodaddy wrote:
I did that already..........thanks for the reminder, tho.
Ok I found it. You got me confused because you didn't put "Yodaddy Account." Instead you put in "New to the Board." It makes it hard for people to look for your account. I also noticed that you didn't post your new allocation into your "New to the Board" (account)which is supposed to be the account where you post your moves. Tom's rule here is for people to create an accountso that people can follow other people's moves and to create an account talk so that people can ask questions, make comments or ask for advice. I would like to suggest that the "New to the board" be changed to "Yodaddy Account." Thanks...:cool:

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Still 100 % I fund and loving it.....just wishing balances would post instantly steada in the AM.....Heh, heh.:^