wondering about mid march

I personally do think it will pull back this month. What we saw last week I would call a 2 day dip. And those that bought in reaped 3.41% or so in the S Fund.
But keep in mind an IFT had to be used fairly early in the month and if it dips again another would have to be used to hold onto that gain. With our very limited moves, I look for dips that might last at least a week or more and pull back 5% or so. I am looking for that in March (this week would be nice), creating a buying opportunity
to ride up into April. It's just a matter of how you want to use your IFT's. Sentiment seems strong that the market is going up this year so even if one buys and holds
they might do alright this year. But by making a few timely moves, obviously we can do a lot better