Wilshire 4500 Quote


Staff member
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It looks as if the Wilshire 4500 quote (^emw) that I use on the link below the index quotes (on the site's non message board pages) is not being updated. First Barchart.com stopped using it. Now Yahoo quotes stopped? I wonder why?
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DWCP (or ^DWCP or $DWCP, depending on where you go) appears to be new; it just started about a month ago. Perhaps a "re-org". I've not found it in all places. Bigcharts has it and Scottrade has it.
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Rolo wrote:
DWCP (or ^DWCP or $DWCP, depending on where you go) appears to be new; it just started about a month ago. Perhaps a "re-org". I've not found it in all places. Bigcharts has it and Scottrade has it.
Excellent! That works on yahoo quotes. I'll update my links when I get back in town.

Thanks Rolo!
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Rolo wrote:
Glad I could help!

(again, hehe)


For some reason I posted that in the I Fund forum. D'oh.

Check out the program I mention in there and let me know what you think. (It doesn't work at my work anymore, hence my looking for volume charts.)
I remember that post but it didn'tdawn on me that thatsymbol would work in yahoo...until I tried it :)

Thanks again!
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I'm trying to grasp the ticker "standards". Some places use $ to denote an index, others use ^. $SPX works on Scottrade, but $DWCP does not, DWCP does. I assume they are set by the feed provider, however many there are. So, I just try the shotgun approach.

Then there's the "dot" tickers you posted for me yesterday for volume...I need a map! hehe

I like that feed you have on the index page, BTW, it's very convenient.
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Rolo wrote:
I like that feed you have on the index page, BTW, it's very convenient.
Do you meanbarchart.com? It looks OK for stock quotes (at the bottom of the pages) but they (actually the exchanges themselves) charge $1200 to $1500 a year each to get a Dow and S&P 500 quote. Now they stopped getting the Wilshire quote, so it is getting a bit useless for us. I've been looking for another service like it but I think they will all have to charge that fee for the Dow and S&P.
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Tom, why pay for it. If someone really wants to know, and I am one of them, if they have the symbols for the fund they want to know, they can use the nasdaq board or many others. My feeling is dont spend money if you don't have to. Make us work a little, it is not that difficult.
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Frizz B. wrote:
Tom, why pay for it.... My feeling is dont spend money if you don't have to. Make us work a little, it is not that difficult.
For sure. I keep an eye out for a free one as I redesign ptcrew.com.Is what you have anRSS/XML feed?
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Rolo wrote:
Frizz B. wrote:
Tom, why pay for it.... My feeling is dont spend money if you don't have to. Make us work a little, it is not that difficult.
For sure. I keep an eye out for a free one as I redesign ptcrew.com.Is what you have anRSS/XML feed?
It is just a script from barchart.com.

I probably won't be paying for it (the dow and s&p quotes). I really wantto keep this a free site so keeping costs down is a must. For now, I'll have to rely more on that Yahoo quotes link, making more noticeable.
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smine wrote:
Anyone else having trouble connecting to TSP? Not able this morning; broken link?
They seem to change the links every once in a while. This will be the second time this year that I'll have to go in and updateall of my links to their site. I'll do it over the weekend.

Horked? :)
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tsptalk wrote:
hehe, ya, hork hasn't made mainstream yet?

Mostly used when one breaks a program/code/script/web page/config/etc. It comes from Hoëk, as in Ren Hoëk from the Ren & Stimpy Show.

Like the euphamism it represents, it is every part of speech: horky, horkage. You can also use it as a prefix to make many words:horkestra, hork-O-rama,horkophany, horktacular, horktitude, horkasm, etc.

heh:* "The more you know..."