Will federal employees be required to take a Covid19 vaccine?


Do you all think there will be a point when all federal employees would be required to take a Covid19 vaccine?
This is a great question. Key word there is "all". Some agencies just might make them mandatory.

Without forced vaccines, I see no way we get to the 90% vaccination rate the human race allegedly needs to end this insanity.
I was required to get a flu shot every year in the Navy so I can see it happening there as well in other front line positions. I hope many people do it voluntarily though. I don’t see the alternative being better.
We were given paperwork yesterday to either accept or decline the vaccine if it should come available to us. So basically we were afforded the option to volunteer or decline. We'll see what comes of it. I'm civil service so Im not sure how the active duty side is handling it.
Been working remotely for the past 9 months, pretty much hunkered down. Hoping they do make us vaccinate, otherwise the wife will probably kill me first..

I'm just civil service too, and our agency hasn't sent any guidelines/availability yet. As stated in the previous post, probably folks over at the BOP. Marshalls, ATF , etc. will probably be required and get first dibs.
We were given paperwork yesterday to either accept or decline the vaccine if it should come available to us. So basically we were afforded the option to volunteer or decline. We'll see what comes of it. I'm civil service so Im not sure how the active duty side is handling it.
Interesting. What happens if you decline? Are you in Japan? What agency do you work for if you don't mind saying?