Hi everyone. I'm a relatively young soldier in the military with a little more than 2 years under me. I have a Roth IRA that I max out every year but after seeing this article from CNN http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/moneymag_archive/2006/12/01/8395180/index.htm?cnn=yes I can't but help to think I am possibly missing out on something huge. Truthfully I am doing very well in my Roth, up near 60% since I started it right before I joined the service. My question is would the TSP still be a better option for me in the long run? I remember being "educated" on the TSP and couldn't help but thing they were trying to make a commission off of me. If anyone could help me find a place to find out the pros and cons, I would trully appreciate it!