My wife is the government employee. I just take care of her TSP and do most of the financial planning.
She's 51 now and I'm trying to figure out final numbers if she was to start making TSP make up contributions.
She has been contributing close to the max for the past 10 years or so.
I currently don't contribute to an IRA and my job doesn't offer a 401k.
We could take a lump sum and drop into my IRA but according to the software tax program, that did very little for out taxes.
I was thinking of just having her start making make up contributions instead of dropping the money in my IRA.
I'm trying to figure out how additional money put into the TSP would affect her take home pay.
Problem is, I'm not exactly sure how much of her paycheck has Federal taxes taken out.
I know the tsp contributions aren't taxed, but after deducting that from her gross the Federal tax isn't working out.
Are there other items on her pay stub that don't get taxed?
She has deductions for FEGLI, OPT FEBLI, FEHBA, and dental plan that I'm not sure about.
Pretty sure I know everything else is taxed though.
Can anybody help?
She's 51 now and I'm trying to figure out final numbers if she was to start making TSP make up contributions.
She has been contributing close to the max for the past 10 years or so.
I currently don't contribute to an IRA and my job doesn't offer a 401k.
We could take a lump sum and drop into my IRA but according to the software tax program, that did very little for out taxes.
I was thinking of just having her start making make up contributions instead of dropping the money in my IRA.
I'm trying to figure out how additional money put into the TSP would affect her take home pay.
Problem is, I'm not exactly sure how much of her paycheck has Federal taxes taken out.
I know the tsp contributions aren't taxed, but after deducting that from her gross the Federal tax isn't working out.
Are there other items on her pay stub that don't get taxed?
She has deductions for FEGLI, OPT FEBLI, FEHBA, and dental plan that I'm not sure about.
Pretty sure I know everything else is taxed though.
Can anybody help?