According to the TSP website, the Personal Investment Performance (PIP) is: "a time-weighted return that has been calculated using the Modified Dietz method (a method used by many financial institutions and an industry standard)."
The formula for the Modified Dietz Method is as follows:
Rate of Return = (EMV - BMV - C)/(BMV + WC)
EMV: Ending Market Value (Ending Balance)
BMV: Beginning Market Value (Beginning Balance)
C: Sum of all cash flows during period
WC: Sum of all time-weighted cashflows
The following table shows my TSP activity for the 2016 calendar year:
Therefore, the Personal Investment Performance should be:
So, if I'm calculating 10.795562%, why does it say on the TSP website and on my
quarterly statement that my Personal Investment Performance for the last twelve
months ending 12/31/2016 is 9.87%? This is very frustrating, as I have found no
way to determine exactly how the Thrift Savings Plan website comes up with that
number. Help!
The formula for the Modified Dietz Method is as follows:
Rate of Return = (EMV - BMV - C)/(BMV + WC)
EMV: Ending Market Value (Ending Balance)
BMV: Beginning Market Value (Beginning Balance)
C: Sum of all cash flows during period
WC: Sum of all time-weighted cashflows
The following table shows my TSP activity for the 2016 calendar year:
Date Description Cash Flows Time-Weighted Cash Flows
12/31/2015 Beginning Balance $56,052.27
1/14/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $28.58 27.48677596
1/14/2016 Agency Match (4%) $114.31 109.9374863
1/14/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 666.4918033
1/15/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 162.102541
1/28/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.05 27.7510929
1/28/2016 Agency Match (4%) $120.19 110.9951366
1/28/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 639.9836066
1/29/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 155.6369126
2/11/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.05 26.60163934
2/11/2016 Agency Match (4%) $120.19 106.3977049
2/11/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 613.4754098
2/12/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 149.1712842
2/25/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 26.05355191
2/25/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 104.2142077
2/25/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 586.9672131
2/26/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 142.7056557
3/10/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 24.87693989
3/10/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 99.50775956
3/10/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 560.4590164
3/11/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 136.2400273
3/24/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 23.70032787
3/24/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 94.80131148
3/24/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 533.9508197
3/28/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 128.3889071
4/7/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 22.52371585
4/7/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 90.09486339
4/7/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 507.442623
4/8/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 123.3087705
4/21/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 21.34710383
4/21/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 85.3884153
4/21/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 480.9344262
4/22/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 116.8431421
5/5/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 20.1704918
5/5/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 80.68196721
5/5/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 454.4262295
5/6/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 110.3775137
5/19/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 18.99387978
5/19/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 75.97551913
5/19/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 427.9180328
5/20/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 103.9118852
6/2/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 17.81726776
6/2/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 71.26907104
6/2/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 401.4098361
6/3/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 97.44625683
6/16/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 16.64065574
6/16/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 66.56262295
6/16/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 374.9016393
6/17/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 90.98062842
6/30/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 15.46404372
6/30/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 61.85617486
6/30/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 348.3934426
7/1/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 84.515
7/14/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 14.28743169
7/14/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 57.14972678
7/14/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 321.8852459
7/15/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 78.04937158
7/28/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 13.11081967
7/28/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 52.44327869
7/28/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 295.3770492
7/29/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 71.58374317
8/11/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 11.93420765
8/11/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 47.7368306
8/11/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 268.8688525
8/12/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 65.11811475
8/25/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 10.75759563
8/25/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 43.03038251
8/25/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 242.3606557
8/26/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 58.65248634
9/8/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 9.580983607
9/8/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 38.32393443
9/8/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 215.852459
9/9/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 52.18685792
9/22/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 8.404371585
9/22/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 33.61748634
9/22/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 189.3442623
9/23/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 45.72122951
10/6/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 7.227759563
10/6/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 28.91103825
10/6/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 162.8360656
10/7/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 39.25560109
10/20/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 6.051147541
10/20/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 24.20459016
10/20/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 136.3278689
10/21/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 32.78997268
11/3/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 109.8196721
11/3/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 4.874535519
11/3/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 19.49814208
11/4/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 26.32434426
11/17/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 83.31147541
11/17/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 3.697923497
11/17/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 14.79169399
11/18/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 19.85871585
12/1/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 56.80327869
12/1/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 2.521311475
12/1/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 10.0852459
12/2/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 13.39308743
12/15/2016 Employee Contribution $693.00 30.29508197
12/15/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 1.344699454
12/15/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 5.378797814
12/16/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 6.927459016
12/29/2016 Employee Contribution $675.00 3.68852459
12/29/2016 Agency Automatic (1%) $30.76 0.168087432
12/29/2016 Agency Match (4%) $123.04 0.672349727
12/30/2016 Loan Payment $169.03 0.461830601
Totals: $26,375.55 12742.39003
12/31/2016 Ending Balance $89,854.59
Therefore, the Personal Investment Performance should be:
PIP = (EMV - BMV - C)/(BMV + WC)
= ($89,854.59 - $56,052.27 - $26,375.55) / ($56,052.27 + $12,742.39)
= 7426.77 / 68794.66
= 0.10795562
So, if I'm calculating 10.795562%, why does it say on the TSP website and on my
quarterly statement that my Personal Investment Performance for the last twelve
months ending 12/31/2016 is 9.87%? This is very frustrating, as I have found no
way to determine exactly how the Thrift Savings Plan website comes up with that
number. Help!