According to one Chinese guy- 2007 could be a year of a LOT of turmoil in the markets. It's the market's Feng Shui that is out of balance.
He says don't buy metals, and be careful of mixing wood, oil, and fire.
Very good advice, if you ask me.
I love how masterfully constructed "predictions" like this and so many other prophetic endeavors can carefully word an entire news article, like polititians' speeches, to sound very profound but not actually say anything beyond the obvious, such that anything could happen and still corroberate their "predictions." Everyone knows you better have a solid plan if you're going to mix wood, oil, and fire. It sounds like a stick of dynamite.
How about:
"Lo expects a stock market boom in the first half of the year, ... creating an "illusion of optimism" before a steep drop.
(Duh, the market's soaring now and due for a correction. And of course seasonality backs up this "prediction" fairly consistently as well.)
"'The wood element will have a secret effect on the fire by adding prosperity.'"
(It's called diversification.)
"'You have to be very careful, the worst could be October...'"
(Shhh, let's keep this our own little SECRET.
"On the political front, Lo expects strife in the Western world, but few flashpoints in Asia.
"'There will be turbulence, there will be fights, there will be explosions and clashes. It's also a year of evolution.'"
(Sounds like life. You mean we can expect MORE of the SAME this year!?)
"'Asia is comparatively stable, the bad energy is in the North next year, so therefore America and those (Western) countries will more easily have natural disasters and other problems.'"
(Didn't somebody else predict that THIS YEAR would be the WORSE HURRICANE SEASON EVER?)
"He also believes a "sick" energy might arise.
"'Something we have to be careful of is sickness and health problems. Epidemics could come. We have to worry about avian flu, that kind of thing.'"
(Nothing new here. I'm starting to get
sick of these predictions at this point.)
Of course the author throws out a few specifics about "metal" and "fire" stocks (if there can be anything specific about "elementalizing" stocks. But he limits these to things that could go either way and be easily minimized next year if he's wrong. I can hear it now, "Well that's just one interpretation. Besides, Shell Oil isn't a "fire" stock because shells are organic or earthy or something totally not in tune with the cosmic energy. Besides, everything else I predicted came about just as I said it would..."
I apologize to any feng shui fans since I'm probably totally missing the concepts here, but I couldn't resist commenting on the article which seemed to me to say nothing of value.