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I just finished Younger Next Year. Live strong fit and sexy - until your 80 and beyond by Chris Crowley and Henry S Lodge. M.D.

Really good book about aging and the "last third" of your life. They say that normal aging isn't normal at all. Exercise and nutrition are keys to fighting what they call decay. Aging or getting older is not optional but decay is.

The second part of the book is about the social aspect of retirement. They talk about the 'limbic' brain and emotion. The need for a connection to something to keep you engaged in life....taking on projects or volunteering in the community.

You have to have a plan for retirement or you can find yourself lonely and sad. Having a spouse or partner or best friend..."who ever you have, or who has you" makes it easier/better.

5 stars!

Tom - are you related to Chris?
I am reading a great book by Bernard Cornwell called 'The Last Kingdom'.

It is incredibly well written from the perspective of an 'Englishman' brought up by Danes in the 'England' of the late 800s.

I quote the 'English' stuff because it is obvious that the culture of that land mass was vastly different from the current. Not to mention the culture of the Danes (Vikings).

Very well written. And, very funny.
Boghie, I've read other books by Cornwell. Excellent storyteller.

This week I treated myself to a new book of poetic meditations written by a cancer survivor, Mark Nepo. A reading for each day of the year. The Book of Awakening. Each one I read feels like a gentle soaking rain on dry ground.

Fresh perspectives on rediscovering and living in gratitude for the life we have and learning to live more authentically and deeply, each day, letting go of what weights us down.
I just finished a book on my Kindle called "Serial"
The book I read before "Younger Next Year" was

Theodore Roosevelt and His Times, A Chronicle of the Progressive Movement by Harold Howland.

It was free on my Kindle.

Roosevelt would have been quite a contradiction in these either/or times of right and left. He stood up for the common man but he also defended the rights of business. He had a strong personality and wasn't swayed easily. He also feat strongly that the United States had a moral obligation to come to the defense of the "nations of mankind."

I didn't know that his New Nationalism was the precursor to the progressive party.

New Nationalism was Theodore Roosevelt's Progressive political philosophy during the 1912 election. He made the case for what he called the New Nationalism in a speech in Osawatomie, Kansas, on August 31, 1910. The central issue he argued was government protection of human welfare and property rights.[1] He insisted that only a powerful federal government could regulate the economy and guarantee social justice,[1] and that a President can only succeed in making his economic agenda successful if he makes the protection of human welfare his highest priority.[1] Roosevelt believed that the concentration in industry was a natural part of the economy. He wanted executive agencies (not the courts) to regulate business. The federal government should be used to protect the laboring men, women and children from exploitation. In terms of policy, the New Nationalism supported child labor laws and minimum wage laws for women. Roosevelt supported graduated income and inheritance taxes, workers' compensation for industrial accidents, a social security system, a national health service, a federal securities commission and direct election of U.S. senators. The platform also supported the initiative, referendum, and recall as means for the people to exert more direct control over government. The book The Promise of American Life, written in 1909 by Herbert Croly, influenced Theodore Roosevelt. New Nationalism was in direct contrast with Woodrow Wilson's policy of The New Freedom, which promoted antitrust modification, tariff reduction, and banking and currency reform.

All this Kindle reading is making my AMZN stock happy. :D

Reading, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, "The Last Stand of Fox Company."

If you choose to read it, it just might put that 'horribly cold winter' we had into a little better perspective. I'm following that with Cobra II.