War effecting the funds?

The intial tendency seems to be a flight to quality. Not sure why it means they are buying dollars. The Swiss Franc seems a lot safer these days.

Wars in general often cause an initial drop in equities, then rally quite strongly. FWIW
Israel has been dropping leafelets for a day or two telling everyone in Lebanon to get north of the Litani river (about 25 miles north of the border. Within the past hour or so, CNN reports that Israel is calling up reserves. Articles yesterday in foreign media, BBC in particular, cite senior Israeli officials as saying that it has become clear that airstrikes alone will not be enough.

Everything points to a ground war being immanent; an invasion and clearing operation up to the river. If it happens, Oil will spike, markets will drop, and currency will replay the "flight to safety" we saw a few days ago. No place to be but G fund until this becomes clearer, IMHO.

Don't be so sure on the flight to the G fund. The market knows that the universal language of permanent beneficial change is violence - it's the only way toward a lasting peace.