very annoying BUG using mobile/smartph

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Can't add avatar

When I try, I keep getting redirected to, it thinks I'm a mobile user? (I'm on the desktop). It happened to me when I entered a website and when uploading an image from my computer. It prevented me from adding an avatar. On the plus side I can browse tsptalk now on my ipod! :)

Re: Can't add avatar

This is strange, and you are the 3rd person to report a redirect to the .mobi page. I saw it for the first time this morning myself.

I just reloaded the files to see if that helps.

I would appreciate other reports of this happening (what you were doing, what page you are on, etc.)

Some links take me to the mobile home page. This has happened more than once but now im reporting it. I just tried the Popular Charts link on standard home page and this occured. I have never liked the integration of mobile and stuff like this is why I am not a champion of it. You were warned. And yes I Am an. Old fuzzy duddy!! Whipersnappers!
Some links take me to the mobile home page. This has happened more than once but now im reporting it. I just tried the Popular Charts link on standard home page and this occured. I have never liked the integration of mobile and stuff like this is why I am not a champion of it. You were warned. And yes I Am an. Old fuzzy duddy!! Whipersnappers!

I'm not falling for that one, with your advanced ebay skills there's no way you are an old paper and pencil type. Get with the program. The old carbon-based existence is going by the wayside.

It's all silicone and plastic now, with data in the cloud. Timeless and portable. You don't even need a clunky desktop anymore unless you like to collect antiques, gotta have a hobby.
Okay you called my number. But I still have no use for mobile web and.I still want Tom to fix this...Tom?
Re: Can't add avatar

Popular charts link on home page still kicks me to the redirect page. How else can I get there? It was my idea and I can't even benefit from it. Oh boohoo hoo
Re: Can't add avatar

Popular charts link on home page still kicks me to the redirect page. How else can I get there? It was my idea and I can't even benefit from it. Oh boohoo hoo
Are you on a mobile device, or PC?

I did make a minor change that may help. Hit ctrl-F5 and try again. Thanks!
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