Another thread in this forum has a detailed discussion of tax-exempt war-zone pay and its uses. Of course, one can contribute up to $29K per year of it into the TSP. The alternatives include funding a Roth, buying taxable investments (such as Vanguard's Total Stock Market Fund, Tax-managed small fund, Tax-managed international fund etc), paying down the mortgage, and of course spending it. The benefit of putting it into the TSP is tax-deferred growth, but without any tax deduction (like an IRA) or tax-free withdrawals (like a Roth). This seems to me to be the equivalent of using a very low cost variable annuity. Generally, low-cost variable annuities are appropriate for high-tax bracket individuals and those who need more tax-protected space for tax-inefficient assets such as REITs and Bonds. Since the TSP doesn't have a REIT fund (yet), I suppose it would only be appropriate if I were going to use the TSP space for bonds. Although I don't need more fixed income in my asset allocation at this time, I suspect my entire TSP fund will be invested in the G fund in 10-15 years, while my non-TSP assets will be invested more in equities. A variable annuity, of course, often isn't a good idea for holding tax-efficient equity funds because it converts gains from long-term capital gains into regular income. It takes decades of tax-deferred growth to make up for this.
I plan on 4 months of deployment at the end of 2007. I will have no difficulty maxing out both my own and a spousal Roth and my tax-deferred 15K TSP contribution before I am deployed and should receive about $30K during those 4 months that I do not need to spend (mostly a medical special pay.)
I am trying to decide whether to use the money to:
1) Contribute to the TSP so I have more money in there eventually that can be used for fixed income.
2) Pay down my mortgage (6.125%, 25% marginal tax bracket)
3) Hold the money in a money market account until Jan 1st, then immediately fully fund our 2008 Roths and go 100% TSP for the first 3-4 months of 2008 while living off the stashed money.
Any recommendations would be appreciated.
I plan on 4 months of deployment at the end of 2007. I will have no difficulty maxing out both my own and a spousal Roth and my tax-deferred 15K TSP contribution before I am deployed and should receive about $30K during those 4 months that I do not need to spend (mostly a medical special pay.)
I am trying to decide whether to use the money to:
1) Contribute to the TSP so I have more money in there eventually that can be used for fixed income.
2) Pay down my mortgage (6.125%, 25% marginal tax bracket)
3) Hold the money in a money market account until Jan 1st, then immediately fully fund our 2008 Roths and go 100% TSP for the first 3-4 months of 2008 while living off the stashed money.
Any recommendations would be appreciated.