It seemed there was some confusion between user titles and and user ranking or reputations.
The titles are in place to recognize participation. Hang around and contribute to the conversations over the long term and your user title will reflect a "higher" title level. See this thread.
Now I have activated user reputation to address the concern some members had about titles; That is they thought posters were being rewarded for quantity and not quality. Both are important to a successful board so we now have something to reflect active participation and the quality of your input.
To give input on a user's reputation, simply use the scale in the top right of a post to approve or disaprove of a user's post.
The titles are in place to recognize participation. Hang around and contribute to the conversations over the long term and your user title will reflect a "higher" title level. See this thread.
Now I have activated user reputation to address the concern some members had about titles; That is they thought posters were being rewarded for quantity and not quality. Both are important to a successful board so we now have something to reflect active participation and the quality of your input.
To give input on a user's reputation, simply use the scale in the top right of a post to approve or disaprove of a user's post.