US Is 'Practically Owned' by China

You can invest where you want with your personal Roth Account. There are several companies now with no commissions on some ETF purchases such as Fidelity, Vanguard, and Schwab.
Speaking of China.. They are an emerging country - economy. We should be able to at least take advantage of this and other emerging economies! But, looking at the I fund's distribution of countries that we invest in, China, nor ANY of the other emerging countries are on that list... Why can we not invest in these emerging countries when they are clearly the ones with the most growth potential (hence, more $$ we can make in the I fund)?:confused:

The "I" Fund is against the EAFE index....This does not include China.

To invest in China, go to a broker house and open an account.

To petition the FRTIB to open up a venue for investing in China, go to
Let them know of your wishes.....But remember, it took about 5 years for them to agree to put a ROTH IRA on the menu. and two to get it up and running!:cool:
Speaking of China.. They are an emerging country - economy. We should be able to at least take advantage of this and other emerging economies! But, looking at the I fund's distribution of countries that we invest in, China, nor ANY of the other emerging countries are on that list... Why can we not invest in these emerging countries when they are clearly the ones with the most growth potential (hence, more $$ we can make in the I fund)?:confused:

The Chinese are a lot smarter than we are, they have a plan and we have Crappy Politicians.


Staff member
US Is 'Practically Owned' by China: Analyst

"The US supremacy as the top world economy will end sooner than many people believe, so gold is a better investment than the dollar despite it hitting a new record, Tom Winnifrith, CEO at financial services firm Rivington Street Holdings, told Monday."

"The US trade deficit and debt continue to grow and the authorities are reluctant to address the problem, preferring to print money, Winnifrith said."

"America is practically owned by China," he said."

Is $1312 gold a bubble or are the fundamentals there to justify it?