What do you guys think? It's an optional Federal Retirement plan that's going to be in effect in the coming years. In short, if eligible then you have the option of working part-time, and recieve a part-time retirement pay. Your retirement pay would be offset by how much you would recieve for your wages. You would still get step, locality and COLA increases. Your creditable years worked toward retirement would still increase.
Should Eligible Federal Employees Consider New Phased Retirement Option?
I can see both upsides and downsides to this.
1. People that have put in their time, but want to start taking it easy for either personal or medical reasons, can still work and contribute.
2. Step and other increases still happen.
3. "Legacy" knowledge isn't lost immediately.
4. Gives the phased retiree time to train his replacement.
1. The seat is still filled.
2. It's another case of "Doing more with less."
1. Not sure how the medical benefits would work.
2. Not sure if it's a good or bad money decision for the partial retiree.
3. Not sure if it's beneficial to the taxpayer.
Should Eligible Federal Employees Consider New Phased Retirement Option?
I can see both upsides and downsides to this.
1. People that have put in their time, but want to start taking it easy for either personal or medical reasons, can still work and contribute.
2. Step and other increases still happen.
3. "Legacy" knowledge isn't lost immediately.
4. Gives the phased retiree time to train his replacement.
1. The seat is still filled.
2. It's another case of "Doing more with less."
1. Not sure how the medical benefits would work.
2. Not sure if it's a good or bad money decision for the partial retiree.
3. Not sure if it's beneficial to the taxpayer.