U.S. Attorney's office tells employees to stay off Drudge

I wonder is it safe to watch the Fox broadcasts of O'Reilly, Hannity, Glenn Beck, Greta etc. When I worked for Uncle Money I didn't watch any...cause I was so damn busy...didn't have time. Barely....well just barely could check the progress of my own stocks via yahoo! No trades though....always did that from home, or phone, or in person on lunch break. Now retired....I've got more time...it is restful! More time to think....a devils workshop I know! I miss HHS-CMS....like missin a beatin! I'm sure the States are happy w/Obama at the printing press! Just a phone call away!
Tracy Schmaler, a Justice Department spokeswoman, said it was because “a malicious code was found contained in a Web ad on Drudge.”
I noticed in my agency, that they block the ads (mostly Google) from web pages, which I always found fiscally counterproductive (and possibly illegal). If that is a widespread practive throughout the gov't, then there is a tax revenue stream they are missing. Everytime someone clicks on an ad, the IRS would make their 15% to 30%.