two days missing from TSP Share Price History


New member
Has anyone noticed that TSP share prices for May 27 and May 31 are missing from the TSP website?

Unfortunately, with the transition to the new portal, fund prices & balances for these days are not available from within my TSP account.

Is there another place I can find TSP share prices? In particular, I'm looking for the C, S, & I fund prices for May 31.
There never were prices for those days. No one was able to move funds and the June 1 price was the sum of May 27, May 31, and June 1.

You can get a pretty good ide of what those prices would have been based on the index closing prices, but there never were share prices for those days.
I've been tracking my month-end balance in a spreadsheet for nearly 20 years. I already estimated the balance based on the underlying indexes so I have it within a few hundred dollars, but I still don't get why there are no share prices for those days. Just because we couldn't move money doesn't mean share prices shouldn't be updated. The markets were open.

Did TSP announce that it wouldn't be updating prices during the transition? I just reviewed the April 26 announcement re: transition and nothing was mentioned about that.

Is this really going to matter next week? How about in two weeks, two years, 10 years, 30 years, 40 years?