The S-fund outperformed the C-fund for second straight week and TSP investors are noticing.
The S-fund accumulated a gain of 0.94% for the week, but those gains were due to a late week surge that was exclusive to the S-fund. Through Wednesday, the S-fund was down 0.20% for the week and was overshadowed by the C-fund’s 0.25% gain in those same three days. But over the next two days the S-fund gained 1.15% while the C-fund lost 0.31%.
Here are the weekly, monthly, and annual TSP fund returns for the week ending June 28:

Opportunities Taken
The discrepant performances between the two halves of the week provided opportunity for well positioned TSP investors.
Sad_Al was this week’s best performer who saw opportunity in a struggling small cap index Tuesday morning. Sad_Al came into the week holding 100% G-fund but saw a buying opportunity in the S-fund on Tuesday when the small cap index DWCPF was down around 0.5% at the TSP trade deadline. Sad_Al used an IFT to move to 100% S-fund and caught a ride for the late week surge at a lower price. Their weekly gain came to 1.06%.
A move in the other direction, out of the C-fund late in the week, led to Badkharma taking first place in the June AutoTracker Contest. Badkharma was in the herd holding 100% C-fund all month who were all tied for 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] in the best return for the month comming into the last days of June. Badkharma used their first June IFT on Thursday to move out of the C-fund into 100% G-fund. This move avoided taking on Friday’s 0.40% loss in the C-fund, gave Badkharma a weekly gain of 0.38%, and lifted them to the top of the monthly standings. Badkharma then used their second IFT of June to get back into the C-fund ahead of the new month.
TSP Talk AutoTracker Allocation
The TSP Talk AutoTracker increased its stock exposure this week. Both the average allocation of the C-fund and S-fund rose from one Friday to the next. Meanwhile, the average allocation of the G-fund fell. The average S-fund allocation rose more than the average C-fund allocation, but the C-fund still holds more allocations between the two.

Despite falling more than 1% this week, the G-fund still holds the highest average allocation of any single TSP fund (32.61%). But together the three TSP stock funds (C, S, and I) carry a combined average allocation of 60.56%, up from 59.20% the previous week.
This tells me the TSP Talk AutoTracker community is expecting more of the same from the C-fund in June and is also ready for the S-fund to catch up.
But take note that among the top 2024 non-premium standings, there are 91 members in the top 200 who hold partial allocations of the S-fund, but it isn’t until the 207[SUP]th[/SUP] spot in the standings where you’ll find a member holding 100% S-fund. The AutoTracker may have leaned more to the S-fund this week, but the top performers are not giving up the C-fund that got them to the top in the first half of the year.
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Good luck and thanks for reading! We will be back here next week with another TSP Talk Wrap Up. You can read our daily market commentary at TSP Talk - Market Commentary.
Thomas Crowley
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The legal stuff: This information is for educational purposes only! This is not advice or a recommendation. We do not give investment advice. Do not act on this data. Do not buy, sell or trade the funds mentioned herein based on this information. We may trade these funds differently than discussed above. We use additional methods and strategies to determine fund positions.