TSP Talk Returns Calculator


New member
I use the TSP Talk Returns Clculator for all of my interfund transfers. However, I am about to have over 30 interfund transfers this year. I have tried to insert a new row and then copy and past but I loose all of the calculation formulas. Any suggestions on getting more lines.
Thank you for the tsp06 60 spread sheet. I will check it out.
I have another question, I had made a few changes to the original calculator. I added a few lines to the blue box. Anyway, how would I attach a blank one to this thread as you did above? I could share those changes.

Another question,
I was checking out the Members Allocation Transaction & Return section. I was thinking about starting to post my info.
Do you think it would be a good idea when we start our thread to give an idea of our retirment/investment time horizon & our willingness to take on increased risk or not.
Reason I ask this, is I would rather track someone that has the same time horizon as I do more often than someone who does not. If I have 20 years left until retirment my investment strategy would be a little different than someone with only three years left until retirment, especially if that persons investemt risk taking is very conservative.
Instead of having to search through 20 or more threads I could quickly zoom in on the ones I would like to follow.
Just a thought,
Thanks again.
Thanks Todd. Use the Post Reply button to respond and you should be able to attach a document using the paperclip icon. If you don't see a paperclip, go to the user CP button in the upper left. Go to edit options. Go down to miscellaneous options and choose something other than basic editor.

I think you have a good point about retirement dates when comparing investing strategies, but I for one believe I am being more defensive by being proactive thus in my opinion, a timeframe is moot. That is, traders are more conservative than long term investors. That's not exactly what most people believe but if you look at it this way...

Buy and holder investors can lose a lot of money if the market is in a prolonged decline. Timers who jump in and out can be 100% in the G fund within a day or two. So I don't consider timeframes myself unless someone is a buy and hold investor and only adjusting allocations based on how much time they have left before they need their money.

So you'd be more interested to know if someone is a buy and hold investor, or a more active trader. Then you'd ask the buy and holders how much time they have left.

Does that make sense?

Thanks for the info. I tried to post the calculator I have used with my transactions for the year.

I do see your point on buy and hold stratiges vs. trading. However, I think most people, (even if they consider themselves a trader), with only two to three years left until retirement might still trade a little more conservatively than someone with 15 to 20 years.
It might be interesting to ask how much time you have left and are you an active trader or a buy and holder?

Also, is there anyway to run a spell checker on the messages? I usually have my wife proof my messages?
I hear the Wizard of Oz came out with the highest return for June. Where does this site post everyone's returns?
2EASY said:
I hear the Wizard of Oz came out with the highest return for June. Where does this site post everyone's returns?

See Forum: Members Account Return's Tally, Tally for June 06, by rokid, post # 58, YTD Analysis, PDF file. Other returns are sent e-mail via the "Weekly Tracker" done by Mlk_Man. You have to have an account thread and ask Mlk_Man to include yourself. The Newsletter (and using members) has some restrictions in protection of the paid subscribers......;) .......Spaf

I too just ran out of 30 rows, and will download the 60 row calculator.

Thanks for making it available. I didn't think at the start of the year I would be making so many trades, but that is how it has worked out.

I'm 46, and a very aggressive investor (or foolhardy, depending on how you look at it) and have been doing as hard as I can to build the nest egg.

I'm up just over 16% for the year this year. thanks to your calculator I now know what kind of returns I am running. That is VERY useful.

Thanks for your time and efforts.
Can someone tell me how to find the share prices on a particular. I did an IFT on 8/10/06 but never recieved the confirmation. My account does reflect the change however. I just can not keep the calculator accurate without those share prices? Can anybody help
The spreadsheet that is on the website is password protected.
There are errors in the Date column alignment and number format that do not allow a date of entry. Is there a template available that is not password protected?
I can fix it it, but I'm not seeing the problem with the date column. Can you explain? Thanks.
B7 through 10 align center
B11 and 12 align left
B13 Bold align center
B14 through B18 formated for text will not allow a date entry
B19 through B29 Bold and center
B30 center
B31 B32 align left
B33 Bold Center,,,, etc...

Did you edit anything besides adding data?
I just downloaded it and made some date changes and here is what I got...
I only entered data, formatting cells is password protected on the one I dnloaded at http://www.tsptalk.com/utilities/tsp06.xls

The one you just posted is good on the date column.

I noticed something wack on cell U29 to U30 cuts the total in half, posting photo to show you.


Look at T30 and U30 with share data removed

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I just downloaded the file.
Date column is ok.
Still see a change in row 30 thats not expected.
Do you see what I am refering to?

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Thanks for your help.
I think there is some problems with FireFox downloading.
I was using Firefox to dnload the file, may have been getting the same file from cache.
I just opened IE and dnloaded it and row 30 is good to go...