TSP Options


New member
I am fairly new to the TSP, am to be honest am a bit disapointed withe the investment options.

Does anyone know why the Federal goverement does not outsource to other investment vendors to allow its employees more investment options. Investing in 4 broad index funds is a very limited investment scope.
I know I for one have opened an IRA just to get more investment options.

Is this something the Federal goverment has thought about, and what was the result?. Is there a way to push this issue to the unions?
Welcome boston -

Very few seem interested in a change. When you go outside of this site, it is hard to find people really ineterested in their TSP. Sad but true.

I believe the real estate fund proposal was turned down recently. The low option service may be a trade off for the very low costs we pay for TSP. I'm not sure what other reason there would be. I know they spend way too much money when they make changes, and we pay that. We flipped the bill (hundreds of millions if I remember correctly) when the original record keeping project went bust.