TSP-like investment program


New member
Hi. This is my first post. I am 41 years old. I love the TSP, and I have been playing with the TSP for the past several years. I am already contributing the maximum to the TSP ($16500/yr). Now I’d like to invest additional $1000/mo in the TSP-like investment programs — for investment, not for retirement (Roth IRA not eligible).

Due to the education I received from this website, I am comfortable to play with the TSP individual funds (G-F-C-S-I) without spending too much time (only 2-3 hours/week). I like TSP because I can put some money to either F or G in a bear market without paying fees. Is there any investment program very similar to the TSP format? I would appreciate your opinion.

-Individual funds-
G Fund - Government Securities fund.
F Fund - Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond Index
C fund - S&P 500
S Fund - BlackRock's Extended Market Index Fund
I Fund - BlackRock's EAFE Index Fund
First off, welcome to the forum, it's good to have you here with us. :)

To answer your question, I'm not aware of another program similar to TSP. There are several ETFs that track the major indexes, and I myself have used my USAA brokerage account to trade some (low overhead) mutual funds.

Check out our sister site http://www.etftalk.com/forum/ there is lots of good info in there on the ETFs.

Best of luck, let us know which route you take.