TSP as part of your total portfolio allocation - Asset class %


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Is there a easy place to find the TSP funds breakdown by Asset Class to determine total portfolio asset class mixture ?
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That is in the fact sheets at the TSP site.

Would be a great starting point.
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Welcome, gae!

Using Quicken?

I just have C Fund = large cap, S = small cap, I = International, F = domestic bonds, G = cash.
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Yes I am using Quicken.

I attemped to find the asset allocation mix thru Yahoo but no luck. The TSP web site does not seem to be much help either

It seems The S-fund dosen't exactly fit the Small Cap catagory

The F-Fund has a % of foregin Government not sure of exact ammount
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gae wrote:
It seems The S-fund dosen't exactly fit the Small Cap catagory
It's actually a small and mid-cap index (Wilshire 4500). It, combined with the S&P 500, make up the the more known Wilshire 5000 which is pretty much a total market index. If you own the C and S funds you own a piece of about all US stocks.
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The TSP funds cover the basic asset allocations:

G Fund - cash

F Fund - Lehman U.S. aggregate bond index

C Fund - S&P 500 large Caps (50% value, 50% growth)

S Fund - small caps (Wilshire Completion Index), and as Tom stated, together in the correct proportion, the C/S Funds equal the total market

I Fund - large cap foreign (Europe and Pacific)

It would be nice to have a REIT fund,an emerging market fund, and perhaps some style funds or a foreign bond fund.However, TSP provides the most used tools to create a broadly diversified portfolio.
