So, I've been plugging some numbers into the TSP site calculators and still am not totally convinced ( please convince me) that the Annuity is not the way to go.
Here's what I came up with. I'd like to retire at age 56 (MRA). I input my entire estimated TSP balance at that time into the annuity calculator using 5% return from the G fund. I then took that dollar amount and plugged it into the monthly payments of a fixed amount calculator. It indicated my payments would run out in 21 years, 11 months, at about age 78 ( level payments, no add features). But, it's possible I could live well into my 80's and beyond. So why would I want to go with the monthly payments when the annuity would be guaranteed for life???
The advantages of going with the monthly payments would be that I could adjust the amount yearly, up or down. OK, that's certainly good. If I found that I didn't need as munch money, I could take less out so it would last longer. And, I MIGHT want to invest my TSP balance more aggressively in the market to take advantage of potentially higher returns.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that the latter would be the main reason for going with the monthly payments, i.e. control over the money and potentially higher ruturns. But isn't this just gambling? I would have to get and average return of 6.5 to 7% to get the monthly payments to last till 90-95. That doesn't sound too hard, or is it??
I'm no expert, obviously. Birchtree (and others), could you chime in on what I might be overlooking?
Here's what I came up with. I'd like to retire at age 56 (MRA). I input my entire estimated TSP balance at that time into the annuity calculator using 5% return from the G fund. I then took that dollar amount and plugged it into the monthly payments of a fixed amount calculator. It indicated my payments would run out in 21 years, 11 months, at about age 78 ( level payments, no add features). But, it's possible I could live well into my 80's and beyond. So why would I want to go with the monthly payments when the annuity would be guaranteed for life???
The advantages of going with the monthly payments would be that I could adjust the amount yearly, up or down. OK, that's certainly good. If I found that I didn't need as munch money, I could take less out so it would last longer. And, I MIGHT want to invest my TSP balance more aggressively in the market to take advantage of potentially higher returns.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that the latter would be the main reason for going with the monthly payments, i.e. control over the money and potentially higher ruturns. But isn't this just gambling? I would have to get and average return of 6.5 to 7% to get the monthly payments to last till 90-95. That doesn't sound too hard, or is it??
I'm no expert, obviously. Birchtree (and others), could you chime in on what I might be overlooking?