TSA backscatter radiation safety tests were rigged


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To this day, there has been no credible scientific testing of the TSA's naked body scanners. The claimed "safety" of the technology by the TSA is based on rigged tests.

• The testing that did take place was done on a custom combination of spare parts rigged by the manufacturer of the machines (Rapidscan) and didn't even use the actual machines installed in airports. In other words, the testing was rigged.

• The names of the researchers who conducted the radiation tests at Rapidscan have been kept secret! This means the researchers are not available for scientific questioning of any kind, and there has been no opportunity to even ask whether they are qualified to conduct such tests. (Are they even scientists?)

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032425_airport_scanners_radiation.html#ixzz1SpcgZ2iD
The dose rates of X-rays being emitted by the Rapidscan machines are actually quite high -- comparable to that of CT scans, say the professors. Yes, the dose duration is significantly lower than a CT scan, but the dose intensity is much higher than what you might think. And as anyone who knows a bit about physics and biology will tell you, the real danger from radiation is a high-intensity, short-duration exposure. That's exactly what the TSA's backscatter machines produce.

• The radiation detection device used by Rapidscan to measure the output of the machines -- an ion chamber -- is incapable of accurately measuring the high-intensity burst of radiation produced by the TSA's naked body scanners, say the professors.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032425_airport_scanners_radiation.html#ixzz1SpdCXJIb