I was introduced to TSP.talk about 8 months ago and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us. I read your comments/strategies about the stock market everyday and make interfund transfers when I see that you have made a move. As you can tell, I am very inexperienced with TSP funds and that is why I have a couple of questions for you. You talk about long term and short term investing. I have almost all my TSP account in the G fund (based upon TSP.talk comments) As I follow TSP.talk, I move the funds around when I see that you have made an interfund transfer. The money that is withdrawn from my salary every pay period is dispersed into all of the funds (50% - G, 10% - S, 10% - C, 10% - F and 20% - I). About every 6 months I move those funds over to whatever TSP.talk is recommending from day to day. My plans for retirement will take place in about 11 years. Should I be placing some of my funds in a long term investment status such as the L funds or G funds and leave them alone. Or do you think it safe to continue keeping most of the funds in the investments that are posted on TSP.talk everyday.
Thanks again. I find your TSP. talk website most helpful.
Thanks again. I find your TSP. talk website most helpful.