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Traditional pension plans outperformed 401(k) plans during last bear market, Watson Wyatt finds — Rates of return for professionally managed traditional pension plans outpaced those for employee-directed 401(k) plans in 2000 through 2002, the nation's most recent bear market. This reversed the trend of the prior three years -- 1997 to 1999 -- when 401(k) plans achieved higher returns than traditional pension plans, according to an analysis by Watson Wyatt. For more information, see ¶1985W.
From: http://hr.cch.com/netnews - need subscription for more info – I do not have one.
Traditional pension plans outperformed 401(k) plans during last bear market, Watson Wyatt finds — Rates of return for professionally managed traditional pension plans outpaced those for employee-directed 401(k) plans in 2000 through 2002, the nation's most recent bear market. This reversed the trend of the prior three years -- 1997 to 1999 -- when 401(k) plans achieved higher returns than traditional pension plans, according to an analysis by Watson Wyatt. For more information, see ¶1985W.
From: http://hr.cch.com/netnews - need subscription for more info – I do not have one.