Today's Comments


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Tom wrote

If the market is up again Friday morning and it is not a rally with some conviction, that is up near 1% with better than average bottom, I will likely make a quick trade back into the G fund.

Tom, Did you mean better than average volume? I've probably asked this before but where can I monitor volume, particularly before noon? And how will I know if it is high, medium, or low volume?

I'm with Tom. If today is up marginally, I may take my toys and go home for a few days.

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One way is to look up the fund symbol on yahoo. It gives you the current volume and averaqe volume. If you look at "historical prices" on the left, it gives you the volume for that particular day also. Use it all the time! :^

Good luck,

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Hey Wheels, I too agree with Tom, things look a little choppy thus far with no real committment to go forward; probably time to gather the toys and head for the G house, although I might let my Internatinal friends stay out awhile longer.

I know Tom has much better info on the volume monitor (hope he meant volume; a bottom monitor?), but as for current volume I use the daily volume from well as the technical charts from Yahoo Finance which give the volume for the DOW over 1 day over multiple days/months/year for a historical comparison. You too probably already knew this, just my .02. I agree with you and would like to know if there was a way to know or forecast the volume before noon.

Things still look flat to negative, giving it another hour to decide. Good fortune to all!:^
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Thanks guys. These will be helpful.

Mlk - Where it says average volume - I'm assuming that's for the whole day. Any way to gage whether volume is heavy or not up to a particular point in the day?

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Wheels wrote:
Tom, Did you mean better than average volume? I've probably asked this before but where can I monitor volume, particularly before noon? And how will I know if it is high, medium, or low volume?
Sorry Wheels, I just saw your post. There probably is a better way to judge volume but I just look at the volume of the Naz and NYSE here ...

I know a solidvolume day approaches 2 billionshares so I approximate that if we are getting about 300M per hour, we are on pace for some decent volume.I also keep in mind that first and last hours are usually heavier thenthe others.

Lately the NYSE has been higher than the Nasdaq's which is unusualand means there is a flight to safety. That's bullish from a contrarian view. :)

The volume of the SPY is not quite as accurate but can be used somewhat as a judge. It is actually the number of shares of SPY (something that is actually purchased like an individual stock) were traded. Not the total market.