

New member
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Hi everyone,

I am a new member, found this website when browsing. I am very interested in the discussion here.

I was a believer of "buy and hold", since I am a bit lazy and emotional. I saw some report about this signal service from TimingCube. I was wondering if anyone here have any experience with them.

thanks in advance

Randy Cheng
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I'm not familiar with them. But I'm sure there are those here who are. Just give the board acouple more hours to "wake up".

You should have some replies shortly, especially from Tom, who is TSPTALK- the administrator of this site. His advice is very helpful.

Welcome, and God Bless!

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bulldog1971 wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am a new member, found this website when browsing. I am very interested in the discussion here.

I was a believer of "buy and hold", since I am a bit lazy and emotional. I saw some report about this signal service from TimingCube. I was wondering if anyone here have any experience with them.
Welcome bulldog!
One of our readerswas using timingcube but we had a little problem with them recently. Here's some info... http://www.tsptalk.com/mb/forum8/297.html

If you decide to use them, don't tell us what their buy/sell signal is and don't talk about splitting the costs for the service here.They understandably had a problem with that.

I'll let our member tell you what he thought of the service itself because I haven't used them myself.

Thanks for joining us!
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I speak from experience with what Tom is saying. Please adhear to his recommendations. E-mail me personally if you want to know my opinion on Timingcube. I will give you my opinion, not a signal, etc. I do have only 4 months experience with them.
imported post

I have looked at the TimingCube model and website and am considering giving it a try. So far, have they (TimingCube) lived up to their performance claims? I see you have only been doing this 4 months but this may be long enough to determine if the model is some what valid. I have considered Terry's Tips regarding traiding options but that is far more complicated that I prefer. I am interested in hearing your opinion.
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Let's just say, I'm now out of the subscription service (fired them Thursday of last week) all together. You can do what you want. I lost my shorts with my trend timing service. Bad news, especially during a laterally shifting market.

MLK_Man and I are developing a new, simple, system, designed to hit singles and doubles consistantly. I would stay tuned for that. It looks promising. We are going to back test it 3 1/2 years first before we "suggest it" I hope that this helped.

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If I can add something that may help when you are developing the system...

The reason I would guess that timingcube didn't do so well this year was because they were using a trending system during an oscillating market. Joel and mlk are creating a system probably based on this oscillating market and may not do as well if we do begin to trend again. Consider this during development...

Oscillating markets, one going up and down with no real longer term gain or loss,is best traded using overbought indicators, sentiment, stochastics etc. There is usually more trading taking advantage of shorter term moves. You try to hit those singles and doubles as you mentioned.

Trending markets are better timed using moving averages, MACD and of course trend lines. There are usually fewer trades as the trend could last several weeks, months or even years. Here is where you can hit those triples and homeruns as we saw in 2003.

We are still oscillating but appear to be on the cusp of a new upward trend.

imported post

I have something on my mind here: how long must this upward movement last before we can say we have moved out of the oscillating madness and into a longer-term bull market?

Another month? Two months?

The sad part is, after an hour of reading, I now understand what the heck Tom is talking about with stochastics and MACD's. :P

Everyone embrace your inner market geek.
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tsptalk wrote:
Trending markets are better timed using moving averages, MACD and of course trend lines. There are usually fewer trades as the trend could last several weeks, months or even years. Here is where you can hit those triples and homeruns as we saw in 2003.

We are still oscillating but appear to be on the cusp of a new upward trend.

Moving averages are part of the system. :^My folks have been up from TX since Friday and leave Wed. Haven't been able to really work with it lately, but I'll buckle down soon and come up with sumtin'. It should work in any market also. At least that is the goal. :^
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Mike wrote:
I have something on my mind here: how long must this upward movement last before we can say we have moved out of the oscillating madness and into a longer-term bull market?

Another month? Two months?
1140 on the S&P 500 would the first sign, thenwe need to take out the year's highs,have a test pullbackback to that high (~1160's?)and have it actas support. Then I'd say we are there.

Geek 2