Time for Transfer in Central Time Zone?


New member
I'm sure some where this has been addressed. I'm sorry, I did a search and couldn't find it. In Central Time Zone what is the latest I can make an inter fund transfer and it register that day?

I'm sure some where this has been addressed. I'm sorry, I did a search and couldn't find it. In Central Time Zone what is the latest I can make an inter fund transfer and it register that day?

Hi OHG, 11am central time. The cutoff is noon Eastern. Best wishes to you!
Per Tsp.gov

You can change your fund investments by clicking Request Interfund Transfer. An interfund transfer requested before 12:00 noon, Eastern time, on a business day will generally be processed that night.

So 11:00AM Central Time

Or what Annie said....before me....
I thought that was the case. Thanks. Interesting I tried my transaction and hit "Submit" at 5 minutes before 11 and it would not process. I also watched at 11am as it creeped toward even then after 11am cst then ease back into negative territory. Certainly makes me wonder how much manipulation goes on. I'd like to hear other comments.
I thought that was the case. Thanks. Interesting I tried my transaction and hit "Submit" at 5 minutes before 11 and it would not process. I also watched at 11am as it creeped toward even then after 11am cst then ease back into negative territory. Certainly makes me wonder how much manipulation goes on. I'd like to hear other comments.
GDP revision announcement today......so going to see the swings of guessing the move.....Plus Consumer Confidence was seriously down.....
I'm sure unstable indicators are effecting swings but that shouldn't have caused TSP to lock their doors to inter fund transfer 5 minutes before the hour. Also, I wear an Atomic watch so I know my time is not off. Grrrrr!
I'm sure unstable indicators are effecting swings but that shouldn't have caused TSP to lock their doors to inter fund transfer 5 minutes before the hour. Also, I wear an Atomic watch so I know my time is not off. Grrrrr!

Remember that there are many transfers being accomplished at that time.....No computer system is infallible....Not the greatest reasoning, but best I can give :yuck:
Yes that what I was thinking probably lot of us waiting till last minute but it did make me wonder if they locked the doors somehow. But in this day of technology one would think they would have a clock to put you in the que and process till the hour. Its not like they are expanding their services, but rather they are shrinking what they do for us as time goes on a rollover is starting to look more attractive. The only thing I'm continuing to like is the low managerial fees. And with some of the companies that is not as high as it used to be.
if you run into that issue again, you can try refreshing your web browser and trying again. When there are a LOT of people moving on a particular day, the TSP website has been known to overload and not let someone make a move. So far I have generally found that 15 minutes before the cutoff, to top of the hour, can be a busy time, but I have always managed to make it take before the cutoff, even if I had to reload once or twice.

Of course- if you make your move an hour before the time, you generally never have an issue.

Enjoy- and good luck!