Ok, new strategies are starting to form. But questions come into play.
Is it better to be in the Stock Funds (C,S,I) going into a new month,
or, is it better to be in the (G,F) Funds to start a new month ?
IMHO, that answer will change depending on the current market conditions
and your risk tolerance. If your in the middle of a rally, who in their right
mind would bail just to be in the (G) for the beginning of any given month.
Then again, you can always bail to the (G) but run out of IFT's. Each
individual situation holds a seperate meaning for each participant. Simply
saying that I want to be in stocks at the beginning of each month due to
the limits imposed (I've heard it already), is NOT looking at the big picture
and should not be a rule of thumb. Even if the Market dictates that kind
of positioning for several months, many other factors should be considered
before making that decision.

Just Spouting Off Some Thoughts.
Is it better to be in the Stock Funds (C,S,I) going into a new month,
or, is it better to be in the (G,F) Funds to start a new month ?
IMHO, that answer will change depending on the current market conditions
and your risk tolerance. If your in the middle of a rally, who in their right
mind would bail just to be in the (G) for the beginning of any given month.
Then again, you can always bail to the (G) but run out of IFT's. Each
individual situation holds a seperate meaning for each participant. Simply
saying that I want to be in stocks at the beginning of each month due to
the limits imposed (I've heard it already), is NOT looking at the big picture
and should not be a rule of thumb. Even if the Market dictates that kind
of positioning for several months, many other factors should be considered
before making that decision.

Just Spouting Off Some Thoughts.