Oh, I see. Well I guess I'm just trying to get a basic feel for the markets. How it might affect the TSP. Got some good responses. Thanks all! Thanks for responding Real Money.
NP, there are so many ways to answer your question, so it really does depend on what you are looking for... the charts at the bottom of all the forum pages gives you a daily guide of what the funds are, so use those same fund tickers on a daily, weekly, and monthly chart to look for trends, support and resistance levels. You can look at the USD and VIX to get an idea of movement of the market too as the USD causes commodities and stocks to fluctuate and VIX gives a vague idea of what traders think volatility will be.
For each of the tickers you choose to look at, you can add trend lines (typical is 20/50/100/200 simple moving averages), some form of stochastics (ultimate, slow, fast, etc), and possibly bollinger bands since it shows statistical resistance and support based on a 20 period moving average.
I would highly recommend watch videos too. Nnuut posts a lot of them in the media portion. I am partial to InTheMoneyStocks, Perfect Stock Alerts (good website too), and Grok trading. I occasionally watch Ira Epstein and for humor watch Oscar Carboni.
All of this, over time, will show you what the markets do. No one can predict the market 100%, but some around here are pretty good! Watch JTH, Coolhand, Bquat, and sniper for posts; jkenjohnson and mrjohnross when they are around; and read Birchtree's posts with a grain of salt. BT is a great guy, but he is a PermaBull, so sees everything with bull-colored glasses... he wouldn't recognize a bear if it roared in his face.
There is so much and so many others... keep reading