The Spreadsheet


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I'm going to start tracking what I'm doing with the spreadsheet (TSP returns Calculator). It appears very tedious to use. Am I missing something, or do you really need to manually input all the numbers, i.e. share prices/day, percentage, and market indices?


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It only takes a minute or two to update the daily price changes. It can be a bit tedious when you make a transfer. There is some adjusting needed. If you know how to use a spreadsheet you will see where it needs tweaked. It takes me an extra minute or two when I make an allocation change. If you are not familiar with spreadsheets it may be a little more challenging.
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hehehe...That was a politician's answer!

If the spreadsheet's prices are in the same order as the site, you can copy/paste them directly from the site's table into the spreadsheet. You can do this with Frizz B's.
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Rolo wrote:
You can do this with Frizz B's.

OK, I need to start tracking. How do I get a copy of this thing of wonder by :dude:?

No offense Tom!:D

Also, you spelled your name wrong - it's ROLO

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Timer wrote:
Also, you spelled your name wrong - it's ROLO


I want to design the überspreadsheet, to contain a balance tracker, easy import, FRO, and scalable to add anything to it from the same core data. PM me your ideas. I am far too manic right now to do it; I will begin on the next downswing, soon.

My FRO spreadsheet is outdated and I stopped tracking it. Tom's...well... "Why you have to go and make things so complicateeed?"* :)

*...been on an Avril Lavigne kick